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The Heavens Are in Tears

April 18, 2001

1. Obtaining Dafa [great law and universal principle] in a desperate situation, the Great Way is gleaming

In a county at the base of Mountain Changbai, there is an old woman called Ni Fenghua, who was disabled. She had no left heel. Her left eye was blind and the other eye had strabismus; her eyes needed an operation, otherwise, both eyes would be blind. Not only did she not have money to treat the illness, but she also had to look after her husband, a man who was kept in bed by his disability for more than 10 years. Such a cruel reality made her completely lose confidence in life. One day, she put on new and neat clothes to go out to commit suicide. On the way, she met an acquaintance, who told her that there was a meditation called Falun Gong. It was very good and could heal various diseases. She accepted his words and started to practice Falun Gong. Shortly thereafter, a miracle occurred. Her eyes were cured and the left heel came out. Her neighbors expressed admiration for it. Her husband was injured while on duty; his spine was broken and he was paralyzed. They went to all large hospitals around the country. They did not know how much money they spent for medical expenses, but he still stayed in bed. In addition, it cost the country over thirty thousand Yuan RMB for the medical treatment expenses and living allowance each year. Her husband saw the miracles from her body, so he began to practice Falun Gong. In less than one year, her husband could not only take care of himself, but also do some heavy physical work. From then on, her home was happy. They were full of the hope that they could raise life's sail.

2. The evil comes from the sky; right and wrong are ridiculously confused

Jiang Zemin slandered and persecuted Falun Gong. These two old people do not understand what the problem is with the Party. A paralytic spending the country's thirty thousand Yuan of the medical expenses became a useful person to society; a lame and blind old person became a light walking and a healthy one. Falun Dafa rescued them unexpectedly from a desperate situation. Almost everyone in this small county knows this old couple's story. From the head of the county to the neighbors, people passed this news from mouths to ears. It got around fast. This Fa [law and principle] is truly of benefit to the country and the people! However, Jiang Zemin unexpectedly confused right and wrong to frame Falun Gong, which made the authorities of the Party in the masses' memory reach rock bottom.

3. China, what's wrong with you? The law, where is your dignity?

In the end of January 2000, when people were celebrating the coming of the new century, Ni Fenghua boarded the train to Guangzhou City, Guangzhou Province, to visit her two daughters. However, as soon as the train arrived in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, the police captured her and later detained her in the county jail for 49 days just because she practiced Falun Gong. She had to spend her spring festival in jail when she was supposed to reunion with her two daughters at the turn of the century.

Ni Fenghua often said, "What's wrong? China, what's wrong with you? The law, what's wrong with you? Where is your dignity?"

After Ni Fenghua was thrown in prison, her husband received a letter from his hometown saying that his ninety-year-old mother was terminally ill. Her husband went to the street committee office asking for leave, however, the office said that he must get approval from the police station. Later it turned out that he wasn't able to get back to see his mother; worse yet was the news that he was missing. It is said that along the way, the police stopped him and put him in prison. However, he is not in the jail in his hometown nor is he in the jail in the county under Mountain Changbei. It is also said that it is quite possible police beat him to death. Another report is that he has been sent to a labor camp.

From her getting out from the jail to now, Ni Fenghua has not found her husband. However, her mother-in-law is still in critical health condition. There was an old saying: "A living person has the highest priority." Not having time to look for her husband, she rushed to her mother-in-law's side and took care of her. Unexpectedly, within a few days, her legend news spread like wildfire at her husband's hometown in Shandong Province. Everyone there knew that she used to be a lame and blind woman. However, they were all shocked to see that Falun Gong has turned her into such a healthy person! She looks over 20 years younger than other people of her age!

However, how can the local police, these Jiang Zemin's followers, tolerate the circulation of Dafa's legend? Soon, police over there drove Ni Fenghua away. Up to now, nobody knows her whereabouts. Her ninety-year-old mother-in-law is left lying on the bed and crying at home.

We can't help but ask: Who broke Ni Fenghua's family? Who made Ni Fenghua a fugitive?

Heaven is crying. Our hearts are dripping blood. Under the rule of Jiang Zemin's criminal group, where can we reason with them and state the facts? Jiang Zemin's hands drip with the blood of innocent and kindhearted people.

Provided by Practitioners in Mainland China

April 11, 2001