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Police Mistreat Handicapped Dafa Practitioner

April 18, 2001

In Hebei province, the Manchen county police station and the detention center brutally persecuted Dafa practitioners during the past two years. They used means such as vicious beatings, fines, detention and sentencing to prison. As of now dozens of Dafa practitioners still remain in captivity. The director of the political protection office, Zhao Yuxia, frequently beats these practitioners personally.

One of practitioners has a somewhat abnormal physical body. Long ago, before becoming a cultivator, she fell out of a tree and broke her leg. Her leg was paralyzed and she became incontinent; she could not take care of herself in daily life. Her family spent 9,000 Yuan on her illness, but was not able to cure her. Her legs often felt achy and weak, causing her to have thoughts of suicide. She was introduced to Dafa, and not long after she began the practice, her legs became strong and the pain disappeared. This strengthened her confidence in Dafa, and helped her to behave according to the strict requirements of "truthfulness, compassion and forbearance" as Teacher instructed. Although she still cannot walk too fast and her legs are still a little thin, she can now walk and take care of housework. She even adopted a child.

In the new year of 2001, in order to carry out their assignment, the local police station took personnel from the political safeguard department to her house and ransacked it. When they found the Falun Gong books, they forcefully took her to her to the political safeguard department and asked her whether she would insist on practicing Falun Gong. She described the benefits that Falun Gong had given her and ended up by saying, "I have to continue to practice." Her experience did not touch the hearts of police, and she was sent to a detention center. They do not even let a handicapped person go.

In the Manchen detention center, practitioners bear all kinds of torture, but they believe that as long as they have the Teacher and the Fa, there is nothing to fear. Certain that practicing Dafa was not a crime and that they had been illegally detained, they went on a hunger strike and even refused to drink water, some for 8 to 10 days. Even so, the detention center did not release them, but instead tried to force them to write "guarantee letters" to discontinue practicing Falun Dafa. All the practitioners refused. Unable to achieve their purpose, they exploited family members and forced them to pay to get their loved ones back. The amount varied from 1,000 to10,000 Yuan.

As of now, police still act as the talons of Jiang Zemin as they continue to pursue practitioners. But history tells us that this kind of evil can never last long.