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Latest News from China - 04/07/01

April 18, 2001

[Minghui Net] [Liaochen city, Shandong province] Short news Pan Baozhen was arrested in November 2000 for distributing Dafa literature at the Liaochen Education College. Her husband was detained as well for going to Beijing to appeal. Their whereabouts are unknown. We hope kindhearted people will pay attention to this issue. In addition, the ancient city of Dongchang has been silenced by the arrest of 11 chief teaching assistants at the beginning of the year. However, early in the morning of April 5, loudspeakers over the detention center broadcast the new scriptures of the Teacher and the latest news, which suffocated the evil forces and strengthened the practitioners' resolve to cultivate. [Baoding city, Hebei province] The Evil Forces Are Rampaging in Qingyuan County In Qingyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province recently, the evil forces extended their criminal hands to each government department, work unit, school, and countryside, all over the county. As they persecuted Dafa practitioners they also went all over to "collect signatures." They even harassed little children as they confused people's sense of right and wrong, and reversed black and white. On February 19, Lizhuang town authorities arrested 8 Dafa practitioners. They took them to the town government office and viciously beat them. After that, not caring whether they lived or died, or whether they were hurt or not, the authorities sent them to a detention center where they were subjected to even more brutal persecution. Those who committed violence included Secretary Liu, Secretary Wang, Zheng Xiangyang, Guo Yunjian, and others. On February 19, Ranzhuang Town arrested 3 practitioners and administered various degrees of beating and persecution. They were sent to the county's detention center on February 20. Also on February 20, Beiwang town arrested 6 practitioners. They were threatened and intimidated in the town government office and forced to pay a fine. Wang Guozhong was sent to the detention center for clarifying the truth to people. On February 20, Wenren town arrested one practitioner and sent him to a detention center after beating him up. In other towns and counties, practitioners Zhang Jian, Jianjun, and many more were arrested. The vice magistrate in charge of persecuting Falun Gong, Chen Jingfu, allowed people to run amok, breaking into residences, forcing practitioners to write "guarantee letters," and extorting money at will. They put the prepared documents in front of practitioners and ordered them to sign, or asked other people to sign for the practitioners, or asked practitioners to speak while other people wrote down their words. Internal sources disclose that Chen and his minions many times divided the money accumulated through the fines and confiscation of Falun Gong practitioners secretly in town and village government for their own use. Can such an official remain in his position? Besides persecuting Dafa practitioners, the authorities went to collect signatures everywhere, especially to middle schools and primary schools. Intimidating students by dismissing them from school, they forced students to sign and renounce Falun Gong. In schools they tried their best to defame Master Li and slander the universal great law. Under intimidation and threats, some students said some bad words against their will. Some wrote down false names. [Boye county, Hebei province] Tyrants Collect Fines for No Reason The impoverished Chendong town in Boye county, Hebei province adopted an extremely ridiculous policy in order to prevent Dafa practitioners from going to Beijing to appeal; local residents often objected, which made the police look like fools. The town government presented a prepared debt note to practitioners and asked them to sign. The note said, "I am forbidden to go to Beijing and appeal. I owe the government 10,000 Yuan." The officials said, "If you go to Beijing and fail to submit this amount of money, we will sue you." Another time, they found dozens of Dafa practitioners studying the Fa together and ordered everyone to sign the note. People all over town made fun of this. "Such a thing can only be found in a film produced by the [party name omitted] Party describing the miserable old society. There is no reason people who practice Falun Gong owe officials 10,000 Yuan; what a world this is!" [Changsha City, Human Province] A Family of Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Hunan Province Huang He, Huang Hao and their parents went to Beijing in succession last year to validate the Fa [law and principles], and each of them were detained for over a month after they had been arrested; they were escorted back to their hometown, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. It was the only case in Jiangxi Province in which all the family members practiced Falun Gong and all of them went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities, a fact which the police found surprising. Actually, one of the main reasons that they had gone to Beijing was because they wanted to request an end to the continual harassment by the local police. During this Spring Festival, Jiang Zemin and his associates staged the "self-immolation incident" at Tiananmen Square that shocked the nation and the whole world. This incident imposed a lot of fears and pressures on the various authorities at different levels. Many practitioners left their homes because it was said that all practitioners who had not been "reformed" were to be sent to labor camps. Luo Fang (Huang Hao's wife and the niece of Wan Jing) had been threatened by her work unit on many occasions. Some people had also threatened Huang He. As a result, this family of five abandoned their home together. They stayed with the local practitioners in Changsha City, Hunan Province. They diligently studied the Fa every day and they also had indirect access to the articles on Minghui Net. The family gained a deeper and more rational understanding of the Fa. In the clarity of their understanding, they realized that now the strength of the evil force was only superficial, and that nobody would be able to defy the mighty Fa-rectification process. With this realization, they became even more determined. Later, their residential address was reported to the police, and on the morning of February 25, the police surrounded them, along with some other practitioners from Hunan Province. It is estimated that three or four hundred people witnessed this arrest. Since local Fa-promoting facilities and materials had been found at their residence, the treatment they received from police was especially cruel. The police maliciously mistreated and persecuted Huang He, Huang Hao, Luo Fang in Changsha City and in Nanchang City, using various means to force them to reveal the source of Internet access and contact information of practitioners in Changsha City. (Although Huang He, Huang Hao, Luo Fang, and the other practitioners from Changsha City arrested with them, were all computer literate, they did not have access to the Internet.) Later, they were sent back to Jiangxi Province, where they are now detained in Nanchang City. The police in Hunan Province were overheard to have privately said that the hands and arms of Luo Fang had become almost permanently disabled after she had been left hanging by her handcuffed wrists for so long. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] The Situation of Falun Dafa Practitioners

  1. Deng Changjiu and Cai Daofeng are from Nanyang Town, Pengzhou City. They went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities in January 2000, were arrested for no reason, and escorted back to a local detention center. On January 15, the Nanyang Town government contracted more than 50 thugs. Without any legal process, the gang confiscated all the family properties and grain rations from the homes of Deng Changjiu and Cai Daofeng. (Wu, one of the gang, had no job and was notorious for his gang fighting, thefts and robberies in the local community.) The Police Station of Pengzhou City forced Cai Daofeng into a labor camp in July 2000. The local government officials and police at the substation interrogated and beat Deng Changjiu many times during his illegal detention from January 18 to March 26, 2001.
  2. Wu Sange, a forty-year-old male, and Zhou Erjie, a female in her forties, are from Nanyang Town. They went to Beijing together to appeal to higher authorities this January. Afterwards, they were escorted back to Sichuan Province and detained at the Police Station in Pengzhou City. Their families bailed them out, which required a large amount of money, due to the crackdown on Falun Dafa.
  3. Xiaozhong and his wife are about 25 years old. They went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities this January. After they had been escorted back to Sichuan Province, the vicious police in the local station severely beat Xiaozhong. The police had kicked and stomped on Xiaozhong so brutally that his stool had been literally beaten from his bowels. He had cuts and bruises all over his body and eventually passed out from the beating. Finally, the Police Station of Pengzhou City forced Xiaozhong into a labor camp.
  4. Zheng Weigang is about thirty years old and from Nanyang Town. This January 8, the local government officials interrogated him, inquiring, "Are you still practicing Falun Gong?" He answered, "Yes." Then a group of more than ten police officers beat him up. They turned off the lights when they beat Zheng Weigang, fearing their crimes might be exposed. Ten minutes later, they turned on the light and pulled him up from the ground. Then they turned off the light and beat him up again. They did this repeatedly, during which, Zheng Weigang passed out several times.
  5. On July 9, 2000, many practitioners in Pengzhou City came out to validate the Fa without any fear. They did Falun Gong exercises on the Square in front of the City Police Station. The police became furious and escalated the crackdown campaign. About 70 to 80 practitioners were fined and then were inhumanely persecuted when they were sent back to their local towns. In the case of Yang Shaoxiu, Xu Wen and Zhang Yingju, from Nanyang Town, the local police beat them with batons. Some vicious people in the local government even burned their faces and hands with lit cigarettes and burned their hair with lighters. This persecution continued for about two hours.
  6. Luo Shaoxiang, fromYongding Region, Pengzhou City, was 36 years old when he went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities this January. Later, he was escorted back to the local police substation and fined 5,000 Yuan RMB (Approximately 10-month salary of an average urban worker). The police forced him to denounce Falun Dafa and the Teacher.
  7. Xiong Huiyi, from Zhihe Region, Pengzhou City, is 31 years old. He went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities on January 24, 2000, and was detained in the Beijing Office of Sichuan Province. Chief Yang of the Police Station of Chengdu City hired two thugs to beat him for about six hours. Xiong Huiyi had blood all over his body and there were bloodstains all over the walls. His eyeglasses were broken and there were bruises all over his face, eyes and legs. His face had become swollen and deformed. He became deaf and also had blood in his urine. After midnight, he was hung over an iron pole, outdoors in the frozen winter air, for about eight hours. He completely lost all feeling in his hands from frostbite. He had 240 Yuan with him, which was eventually confiscated. He was sent back to the Detention Center of Pengzhou City on January 27. The malicious cops roughly slapped him on the face during the interrogation with no concern for his serious injuries. In order to force him to give up practicing Falun Gong, a brutal officer, Xie, incited criminals to take off his clothes and pour ninety basins of cold water on him while exposed to the cold winter air. He suffered hypothermia, almost to the point of passing out. Officer Xie then ordered the criminals to force him to drink cold water until he finally lost consciousness. After that, Officer Xie sent Xiong Huiyi to the medical room and made him regain consciousness by giving him an acupuncture treatment. Then Xiong was handcuffed, shackled and seated on a prison chair (an instrument of torture similar to the medieval rack) for three days and two nights. Even the hardened criminals in the same cell wept over his situation and put their own clothes on him to keep him warm. Although a malicious police officer had directly threatened and persecuted him during his detention term, Xiong Huiyi never gave in under the cruel persecution. On March 2, the Police Station of Pengzhou City sentenced him to forced labor "reeducation." He was sent to the Chengdu City Transfer Station on March 7. The cops extorted 120 Yuan from Xiong Huiyi and You Quanfu in the name of a "gas fee," supposedly to cover the expense of their transportation. When Xiong and You then had only 130 Yuan left with them, an older jailer, upon witnessing the "gas fee" extortion, took another 100 Yuan from them in the name of a supposed "lunch fee." Their daily toiletry items were also stolen. The Transfer Station is actually a place to extort prisoners' possessions. A dish of rotten vegetables with a few pieces of sliced meat was priced at 20 Yuan, and a dish of a little bit of duck was priced at 50 Yuan. Xiong Huiyi, You Quanfu and a few other practitioners were sent to an "Extensive Training Team" in Dayan Labor Camp of Ziyang City, on March 16. The group leader of the Team slapped their faces and took away their newly issued leather shoes, clothes and blankets. It was obvious that the police were shielding the cruel group leader. A group leader had once even burned practitioner Xie Zhiyuan's hands with boiling water. When Xiong Huiyi, You Quanfu and the other practitioners left the Team, they had only 30 Yuan left, and a female guard then confiscated that money. Xiong Huiyi, You Quanfu and the other practitioners were considered to have been "reformed," after having been forced to write "reforming" materials through the trickery and extreme pressure from the police at Dayan Labor Camp in August 2000, and Xiong Huiyi was finally released to go home in 2001. The local police had planned to use Xiong Huiyi as an example, to fight against Falun Dafa and to help organize a so-called "reforming class." But Xiong Huiyi refused to cooperate with their coercion, so they came to arrest him on the morning of the second day after the Spring Festival. However, Xiong Huiyi received a forewarning from Teacher in a dream, and this enabled him to evade recapture. Currently, the Police Department of Pengzhou City is searching for him all over the city and in nearby regions.
  8. You Quanfu, male, 30 years old, is a resident of Tianpeng town, Pengzhou City. In February 2000, he was sentenced to forced labor reeducation after going to Beijing to appeal. After being released from forced labor reeducation, he was sent to a mental hospital for over 20 days by the local police. On the third day of the first lunar month of 2001 (January 27, 2001), the local police once again detained You Quanfu. This time he was sent to the temporary house of detention for two months without any reason. You Quanfu's entire family suffered because of the evil persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. When they were escorting You Quanfu to the transfer post in Chengdu, the police seized his bank deposit card and compelled him to give out his PIN number. You's wife, Yang Hui, his eldest sister, youngest sister, second eldest brother and his second eldest brother's wife all were sentenced to forced labor reeducation. The second eldest brother was detained for no reason. His second eldest brother's wife, Xiao Danfeng, was detained for distributing Falun Dafa materials. Without parents to look after him, You's 4-year-old son tragically electrocuted himself in a refrigerator-related accident. After the local police failed in their attempt to extort 5,000 Yuan RMB from You's second eldest brother, they became angry out of shame and put Xiao Danfeng into a labor camp. Now You Quanfu, Xiong Huiyi and Qian Bangyou want to formally proclaim to the wicked people that all the materials of "reform" (the letter of repentance, guarantee, etc., written by them under pressure to show that they have been 'reformed') they wrote in Dayan labor camp of Ziyang are invalid.
  9. Yang Hui, Liu Bangxiu and Xie Kaihua were what the vicious people called "already reformed" persons, but after they were released to their homes, the persecution did not end. In the first lunar month of 2001, they were put into the temporary house of detention and persecuted by the Pengzhou police.
  10. Bai Daiyu, female, 50 years old, is a teacher of Longfeng elementary school in Pengzhou city. After she studied Falun Dafa, she guided Zhao Yun, who had an incurable disease at that time, to cultivate Dafa. After practicing Dafa for one month, Zhao Yun completely recovered. This fact greatly shocked all the teachers and students of the school. Even though the teachers cultivating Dafa are paragons of virtue and learning, the wicked force would not leave them alone. In January 2000, while Bai Daiyu was detained at the town government building, she was punished by being forced to stand in one place. Several wicked police and government officials chatted in obscene and indecent language near her. Upon hearing this, Bai Daiyu corrected them by saying, "You are the law enforcement personnel of the government. You represent the party and the government. Therefore you should not say these nasty and indecent words here." Because of these few words, Bai Daiyu incurred brutal beatings from the police. They scolded her while beating her up, "I will specifically beat you practitioners who are good people. I will kill you, the teacher who teaches people to become better... Nobody will redress the injustice if I beat you to death." The vicious police tortured teacher Bai until midnight. In the end, the principal of the school could not bear watching it and brought Bai Daiyu home. One wicked policeman of the local police station illegally ransacked Bai's home many times. Bai Daiyu was also fined 3,000 Yuan even though she only receives 200 Yuan each month to cover her living expenses. Her daughter won't even receive a job after she graduates from the university. The wicked people even intimidate Bai Daiyu's husband and they monitor her activities.
  11. Dai Liqing, female, over 50 years old, is a resident of Longfeng town, Pengzhou City. Dai Liqing miraculously recovered from 8 incurable diseases after cultivating Falun Dafa. The personnel of the town government called her in to their office. They forced her to acknowledge some charges because of cultivating Falun Dafa. She was beaten so severely that there were wounds all over her body. She still has the bloodstained clothing. The wicked people also stole 3,000 Yuan from her.
  12. Liu Jiyu, Zhou Guanghua and Yong Xiangui are Falun Dafa practitioners from Aoping town, Pengzhou City. On July 10, 2000, the personnel of the town government called them in to the office. The officials beat them savagely without caring about right and wrong. They whipped practitioners' arms with bamboo strips, which were about the diameter of a finger. Every day the vicious people tortured the practitioners like this. Every market day the vicious people paraded the practitioners through streets to publicly embarrass them. They even ordered the practitioners to kneel on grit that was hot from being exposed to strong sunlight. The practitioners were not released until July 30.
  13. Dafa practitioner Hu from Lichun town is over 60 years old. She went to Beijing to appeal on January 24, 2000. While she was detained at the local government office in Beijing, two ruffians hired by section Chief Yang of Chengdu police station kicked the lower part of her body until she would not stop bleeding. They beat her face until it became black and purple. Despite her old age, which should command respect, she was brutally beaten by wicked people.
Some people of the municipal public security bureau and the local government of Pengzhou city have already become Jiang Zemin's faithful accomplices by implementing Jiang's policy of "economically break down, physically devastate, and mentally torture" Falun Gong practitioners. The wicked people extorted money ranging from several hundred Yuan to several thousand or even several tens of thousands Yuan from the Falun Gong practitioners in Pengzhou. One practitioner from Lichun town estimates that the wealth plundered from the Falun Gong practitioners in Lichun town alone reaches several hundred thousand Yuan. For instance, in July 2000, practitioner Zhang Fuqi from Huanghe Village of Lichun Town was fined 7,000 Yuan because he replied that he would persist in cultivating Falun Gong. This money was taken without ever giving a receipt. The vicious people in Pengzhou city also went through the judicial procedure to sentence nearly 20 Falun Gong practitioners to forced labor reeducation. However, they ignored judicial procedure for nearly one thousand Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners were put in houses of detention and local police stations, without any judicial procedure whatsoever. Those persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners from the municipal public security bureau of Pengzhou City, headed by Political Security Section Chief Tang Shiyou, police officer Wu Youde, secretary of the politics and law committee of Pengzhou City Dong, committed dreadful crimes against Falun Dafa practitioners in Pengzhou city out of greed. These atrocities fully expose Jiang Zemin's evil nature. All kind people are condemning Jiang Zemin at teahouses, at taverns and wherever people congregate. The Falun Dafa practitioners in Pengzhou City appeal to all these kind people and to all good people in the world to help stop the evil persecution in Pengzhou City. They also earnestly request the United Nations Human Rights Commission to come to Pengzhou City and discover the truth about the so-called "best time" of human rights claimed by Jiang Zemin.
[Qidong County, Hunan Province] Authority Cruelly Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners Beginning on July 20, 2000, the police of Qidong County, Hunan Province have cruelly persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners who mailed out truth-clarifying materials and appealed in Beijing. Some practitioners were injured while being beaten, some were detained for extended periods of time, some were heavily fined, and some practitioners had their homes ransacked. After January 1, 2001, the persecution escalated. At present, all detained practitioners have been placed in complete isolation; they are forbidden to meet with anyone and all information about them is blocked. The general secretary of the party committee Dai Tingyong and county chief Cai Duncheng supervised and personally led the persecution. The following is what is currently know about some of the practitioners being persecuted: Zhou Jianping: female, 40 years old. In November 2000, she wrote letters to public security departments asking for the release of detained innocent practitioners. The police traced her whereabouts and took her to the detention center where two policemen beat her continuously for 5 hours. Afterwards, her body was covered in wounds, she couldn't move, and was carried back to the cell. She is still detained in isolation. Shi Jinhua: female, 57 years old. Policemen of Baidishi Town police station in Qidong County broke one of her arms because she went to Beijing to appeal and distributed Falun Dafa materials. Tan Jinfang: female, 46 years old. She was detained for a long time for persevering in practicing Falun Dafa and appealing in Beijing. During one interrogation, the policemen smeared manure on her face and poured manure and urine on her bed as further abuse. Zhou Fengfang: female, 50 years old. In September 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and escorted back to Qidong. Before releasing her, the police broke her knees to prevent her from going to appeal again. Kuang Cheng: male, 44 years old. He was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor for appealing twice last year in Beijing Zhang Xianshou: male, 57 years. He went to Beijing to appeal in July 2000. After being escorted back to Qidong, the police beat him up for 4 hours. Recently he has been sentenced to 2 years of forced labor. Li Yanxiu: female, 41 years old. On December 26, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal. On January 4, 2001, she was arrested and escorted back to Qidong to be detained. No one is allowed to visit her. Her house was ransacked, the doors broken, and grains were taken. The details of her persecution in the detention center are still not known. Xiao Shugui: female, 38 years old. She practiced Falun Dafa for only 4 months. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa on December 28, 2000. She was arrested and detained in Qidong; her house was ransacked. The details of her persecution inside the detention center are still not known. Tan Fusheng and Tan Dejian: arrested while planning to appeal in Beijing. They were detained in the county detention center. No visitors are allowed to see them, and we do not know what is happening to them in the detention center. Wang Dongmei: female, 32 years old. She went to Beijing to appeal on December 28 2000. On January 4, 2001, she was arrested and escorted back to Qidong. She was also isolated from the outside world, so we do not know the details of her persecution. Yan Bin: male, 24 years old. He has been detained for an unlimited term in the county detention center; he is monitored by criminal inmates. Wang Lanhua, female, 18 years old, went to Beijing with Wang Dongmei. We have yet to learn information about her situation. Besides the above-mentioned practitioners, there are a few other practitioners who have been to Beijing to appeal and have since been missing. We do not know what torture and abuse they have received. Insiders say that the persecution against practitioners who appeal in Beijing or distribute truth-clarifying materials will be escalated and the authority will take more preventive measures. The first measure is a heavy fine, the second is to completely cut-off of connections between detained practitioners and practitioners outside, and the third is the so-called forced "transformation" for 1 to 3 months. The transformation will be further extended for those who refuse to be reformed. All kind-hearted people with conscience and practitioners all over the world please express your support and eliminate the wickedness. Those responsible for the local crackdown: Dai Tingyong: party general secretary, who led the persecution against practitioners. His cell phone is: 86-139-7430266 and 86-139-07476122. Cai Duncheng: county chief, who led the persecution against practitioners. His cell phone is 86-139-7470-8699. Zhang Demin: the chief of police station in the west district of the county city. He is the one who persecutes Falun Dafa practitioners. Cell phone number: 86-137-0747-5290. Li Wei is the policeman of Political Security Section of County Police Department. He is one of the criminals who persecutes practitioners. Home phone number 86-734-6266465. The Political Security Section Director named He is a major criminal who persecutes practitioners. [Tianjing] Current Situation of Persecuted Falun Dafa Practitioners
  1. Xu Xiaolong, male, 41 years old, employee of Tianjing Bohai Petroleum Trading Company. He was sentenced to a five-year-imprisonment for appealing in Beijing in December 1999. He is now held in Tianjing Prison.
  2. Xu Jie (Xu Xiaolong's wife), 31 years old, employed at the 4th Division of Tianjing Dagang Oil Field. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was thus sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment. In November 2000 her term was changed to serving under surveillance outside of prison. On January 12, 2001, she was taken away during the night and was put into a so-called "studying class." She was thrown into Tianjing Lingzhuang Women's Prison for persevering in practicing Falun Dafa.
  3. Jiang Zhonglin: male, about 50 years old, resident under jurisdiction of Chengdu City Yingmenkou Police Sub-Station. Jiang is a senior architecture designer. In July 2000, he was detained for 15 days because of appealing in Beijing. In December 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal again but was arrested on the way. He was sentenced to one-year of forced labor.
  4. Xie Chengxin (Jiang Zhonglin's wife): female, about 50 years old. She is a kindergarten teacher of a city governmental organization. In July 2000, she was detained for 15 days because for appealing in Beijing. In September 2000, she was forcibly taken away from her work unit and sentenced to serve one year in a labor camp. She is now in Zizhong Namushi Women's Detention Center.
  5. Practitioner Jiang (Jiang Zhonglin's daughter): female, 18 years old. She is a student of Chongqing Foreign Language College. In July 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal together with her parents. She was escorted back to her college to take part in a forced "studying class" and deprived the right of going to regular classes. She was forced to quit school in September 2000. In December 2000, she was arrested again while going to Beijing with her father. She was detained for one month on criminal charges and her whereabouts are unknown.
  6. Yu Fuzhao: female, 48 years old, resident under jurisdiction of Chengdu City Niushi Tiankou Police Station. She has been to Beijing to appeal twice and detained for 30 days. She went on a hunger strike for 18 days but studied Falun Dafa during the strike. She was handcuffed behind her back and force-fed. After her release from detention, police harassed her at home numerous times and forced her into a "studying class." She was forced to leave her home.
  7. Zhao Zhufeng: female, over 50 years old, retiree of Chengdu City Seamless Steel Tube Factory. Her residency is under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Niushikou Police Station. In December 2000, she was arrested on her way to appeal in Beijing. She was detained for 15 days, and her house was illegally ransacked. On January 18, 2001, she was lured to the local police station and detained for 30 days. Her house was ransacked again; her exercise tapes and other private possessions were taken away. In October and November 2000, her pension was reduced to 240 Yuan. Eventually, as of December 2000, the authorities stopped her pension completely.
  8. Li Zhi (Xu Xiaolong's younger sister): female, 37 years old. She is a teacher in the 4th middle school in Xindu, Sichuan Province. She was detained for 15 days in October 1999 for exchanging experiences in another practitioner's home. Her home was illegally searched in July 2000. Her books and copy machines were confiscated, and she was detained on criminal charges for a month. She has been sentenced to 1 year of forced labor after being intercepted on her way to Beijing to appeal in December 2000.
  9. He Xiuzhen: female, over 60 years old. She is a retiree of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubes Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Niushikou Police Sub-Station of Chengdu City. She was detained for 15 days in May 2000 for studying Falun Dafa in a practitioner's home.
  10. Liu Dayu: female, over 60 years old. Her permanent residence is registered at Banxianjie Police Sub-Station. She was detained for 15 days after being intercepted on her way to Beijing to appeal in December 1999. She was detained for another 15 days in May 2000 for studying Dafa in a practitioner's home.
  11. Liu Qiyang: female, 28 years old. Her permanent residence is registered at Shuangziqiao Police Sub-Station of Chengdu City. She was detained on criminal charges for 1 month and forced to resign for going to Beijing to appeal in December 2000.
  12. Tian Su: Shuangqiaozi Police Sub-Station is in charge of her registered residence. She was 6 months pregnant when she went to Beijing to appeal in December 2000. Her home was illegally searched when she returned, and her books and other personal property were confiscated. She was also forced to write statements of guarantee under threat.
  13. Zhong Shuxiu: female, over 50 years old, teacher. Her permanent residence is registered at Hepingjie police sub-station. She was detained for 15 days in March 2000, expelled from the Party, and forced into an early retirement for going to Beijing to appeal.
  14. Zhang Qunying: female, over 30 years old. Her permanent residence is registered at Lianhe Residential Area Police Sub-Station. She was detained for 15 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. Her work unit banned her from work in 2001. Therefore, she no longer has an income.
  15. Zhang Chunmei: female, 32 years old, middle school teacher. Her permanent residence is registered at Shuangziqiao Police Sub-Station of Chengdu City. Her identity card was held by the authorities as she and her husband, Zhu Li, went to Beijing to appeal on July 22, 1999. She was detained for 15 days after submitting a statement to her work unit and the police sub-station in 2000. The second day after her release, police deceived her to return to the police sub-station and detained her for another 15 days. She was put under house arrest and wasn't allowed to go to work. In January 2001, her work unit dismissed her formally. On February 28, 2001, her husband was taken away to attend "transformation study sessions."
  16. Liu Jizhen: female, retired worker. Her permanent residence is at Shuanglin Police Sub-Station of Chengdu City. She was detained 15 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. She was taken away by force to attend "transformation study sessions" late in February 2001.
  17. Practitioner Tan: female, over 40 years old. She lives near Hejiang gazebo in Dongmen area of Chengdu City. She was detained on criminal charges for 1 month in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. She was sent to 2 years of forced labor in January 2001, and is currently held in Nanmusi Female Labor Camp.
  18. Huang Jie: male, 37 years old, an employee of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubes Factory. His permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South Police Sub-Station. He was detained for 15 days in December 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal. He was also fined over 1,000 RMB Yuan. He also received from his factory the penalty of "most serious administrative fault" registered in his personal records. May 2000 he was detained for 1 month on criminal charges of "illegal" gathering in parks. In July 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for the second time. As a result, he was sent to 1 year forced labor, dismissed from the factory as well. Currently he is held in Xinhua Male Labor Camp of Mianyang, Sichuan Province.
  19. Zhang Kunxiu: female, 62 years old. She was detained for 15 days in November 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal. She was detained again for 15 days in July 2000 for her going to Beijing to appeal a second time. She was detained for 15 days in January 2001 for distributing truth-clarifying materials. She receives only 240 Yuan a month for basic living expenses since November 2000.
  20. Li Zhijie: female, 57 years old. She was detained for 15 days in November 1999 for going to Beijing to appeal. In December of the same year, she was initially detained for 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal again, and later extended to 1 month on criminal charges. On January 25, 2000, she was sentenced to 1 year of forced labor (served outside of the labor camp). She has been receiving 240 Yuan a month, which was a much-reduced amount as compared to a normal retiree, for basic living expenses since November 2000.
  21. Liu Lingping, female, 36 years old, was in a management position in a real estate company. Her permanent residence is registered at Junlong Police Sub-Station of Chengdu City. She was detained for 18 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal, during which period she went on a hunger strike for 18 days; she was force-fed. Several people lifted her up and took her away from her work unit in early March 2001. She was sent to a study session by force. She had to jump off a 3-story-tall wall where the study session was held to escape the brain washing. She is forced to stay away from home because of the fear of further persecution, and has thus lost her job.
  22. Chen Dairong: female, 68 years old, retiree of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubes Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South Police Sub-Station. She was detained for 15 days in March 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. Her telephone was tapped, and her home illegally searched.
  23. Hu Mingqing: male, over 60 years old, retiree of the steel tube factory. His permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South Police Sub-Station. He was detained for 15 days in May 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. He was expelled from the Party.
  24. Chen Changrong: female, over 50 years old, retiree of the Steel Tube Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South police sub-station. She was detained for 15 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal.
  25. Xiao Junbi: female, over 60 years old, retiree of the Steel Tube Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South Police Sub-Station. She was detained for 15 days in March 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal.
  26. Xiao Subi: female, over 50 years old, retiree of the Steel Tube Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South police sub-station. She was detained for 1 month on criminal charges in 2000 for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong to the public.
  27. Practitioner Xiao: female, over 70 years old. She is a family member of an employee of the Fifth Smelting Company. She was held in May 2000 under the excuse of illegal gathering in parks. Later, her monthly payment was suspended for half a year.
  28. Practitioner Yu: female, over 60 years old, retiree of the Steel Tube Factory. Her permanent residence is registered at Dongfeng Road South Police Sub-Station. She was detained for 15 days in the spring of 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal.
  29. Li Bingnan: female, over 60 years old. Her residence is under the jurisdiction of Binshengjie Police Sub-Station. She is a senior engineer. She was detained for 15 days in October 1999 for going to Business Morning Post to clarify the truth of Falun Dafa. Later she went to Beijing 4 times to appeal, and was detained for a total of 4 months. She was sentenced to 1?years of forced labor (served outside of the labor camp). Police from the 1st Division of Chengdu Public Security Bureau forcibly took her away in August 2000. She had been held in detaining rooms of several police sub-stations in Pujiang County of Chengdu City. The duration of her detainment lasted over 50 days. Her home was illegally searched over 10 times, and over 20,000 Yuan in cash had been confiscated. She had also been fined for over 6,000 Yuan. After coming back home, she was living under tight surveillance of the local police sub-station. Around all sensitive dates, the police sub-station will put her into custody. She has been forced to leave home, and her whereabouts are unknown.
  30. Du Peiyao, female, 58 years old, is a retired employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. Shuangqiaozi Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. She was detained 15 days and imposed with a fine for going to Beijing to appeal in March 2000. In December 2000, she was sentenced to one year forced labor reeducation and is now being detained in the No.1 Detention Center in Chengdu City for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to people.
  31. Practitioner Zhao, female, over 50 years old, is a retired employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. Dongfeng Road Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. She, together with her husband, went to Beijing to appeal in the summer of 2000. For doing so, her husband was expelled from the Party and both of them were detained for 15 days.
  32. Zhang Xiaoying, female, 35 years old, is a retired employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. Niushikou Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. She was detained 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal during her vacation in November 1999. One week after finishing her detention term, police deceived her into going to the police substation, detained her for another 15 days, and imposed a fine of 2000 Yuan. The administrative department of the Mill punished her by giving her a serious offense record. In June 2000, she went to appeal in Beijing the second time. She was detained for one day in Shunyi County of Beijing City, escorted back to Chengdu City for one month of criminal detention, and imposed with a fine of several hundred Yuan as well. One week after she completed the terms of this detention, she was kept in criminal detention again for another month for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to local people. Her house was illegally ransacked. In October 2000 the mill fired her.
  33. Ren Jin, (daughter of Li Bingnan), female, 31 years old, is a department manager of a joint venture. Binsheng Street Police Substation, Chengdu City is in charge of her household registration. In June 2000, she was detained for 20 days for going to Beijing to appeal. During the detention, she went on an 18-day hunger strike, and was force-fed. In early October 2000, the No. 1 division of Chengdu Police Department criminally detained her 25 days simply for making a phone call. She was kept in a temporary detention center of a police substation in suburban Chengdu for 20 days out of the 25-day detention. After she was released, she was forced to quit her job due to the pressure from the police substation. Her home was illegally ransacked more than ten times.
  34. Zhao Zhonglin, female, is 36 years old. She lives in the residential district of the Provincial Party Committee, and her household registration is under the charge of Wangjiaba Police Substation. She was detained 15 days for going to appeal in Beijing in December 1999. She went to Beijing to appeal again in June 2000, and was criminally detained for one month. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor reeducation in December 2000 for her continual practice of Falun Gong. She is now detained in Nanmuci Female Labor Camp in Zhizhong, Sichuan Province.
  35. Practitioner Wang, female, 36 years old, is an employee from Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubing Mill. Niushikou Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. In June 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal. Police detained her there for more than 20 days and beat her brutally. After that, she was transferred to Chengdu and detained there for 15 days. She was punished by being expelled from the mill with a probation within the mill. In March 2001, she was taken away directly from her working unit and sent to a "transformation class," where she greatly suffered.
  36. Practitioner Chen, female, is over 40 years old. She lives in Nianfeng Lane, Dongmen, Chengdu City. She was detained 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal in June 2000.
  37. Wang Wei, male, 30 years old, is an employee of the Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubing Mill. In June 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal and was detained in the detention center in Daxing County, Beijing. The police in the center embezzled 400 Yuan from him. He was then transferred to Chengdu, and detained there 15 days. This detention term ended exactly on July 22 [a year after the persecution against Falun Gong], although he was detained continuously thereafter, and punished by being expelled from the mill with probation. In March 2001, he was deceived into going to the police substation from his working place, and from there was sent to a "transformation class" in a suburban area.
  38. Practitioner Wang (father of Wang Wei), male, over 60 years old, is a retired employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. In May 2000, while reading Falun Dafa books at home, police ransacked his house without reason and confiscated his Falun Dafa books and materials. After 20 days of criminal detention, another 15 days of detention were imposed. He was expelled from the Party.
  39. Practitioner Shen, male, 37 years old, is an employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. In October 1999, he was arrested at a practitioner's home and detained 15 days without reason. In June 2000, after he came back from appealing in Beijing, police deceived him into going to the police substation with an excuse of having a talk with him. He was detained 15 days and punished by being expelled from the mill with probation. In March 2001, he was deceived into going to the police station from his work place, and was sent to a "transformation class" in a suburban area.
  40. Practitioner Shen (a brother of the practitioner Shen mentioned above), male, is 53 years old. Binsheng Road Police Substation is in charge of his household registration. In June 2000, he was detained 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal. His terms of detention ended exactly on July 22. He was forcibly sent to a "transformation class," and imposed with a deduction of 730 Yuan from his paycheck for so-called "tuition."
  41. Ran Huasha, female, about 40 years old, is an employee of the Steel Tubing Mill. During the National Day of 2000 [October 1], she went to Beijing to appeal. She was then detained 15 days, and given a disciplinary punishment by the mill.
  42. Practitioner Chen, male, is over 60 years old. Niushikou Police Substation is in charge of his household registration. Police detained him 15 days in the name of "illegal assembly" in a park in May 2000. He was again detained 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal in June 2000. His detention ended on July 22, but was then extended for another term.
  43. Zhao Yilong, male, is over 40 years old. He lives in Huangzhong Residential Area of Chengdu City. He was detained for going to appeal in Beijing in December 1999. He went to Beijing to appeal a second time in June 2000. Police beat him brutally in Chengdu Liaison Office in Beijing, and then transferred him to Chengdu for one month of criminal detention.
  44. Li Huifang, female, more than 50 years old, is a retired worker. Niushikou Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. In May 2000, she was illegally detained 15 days for reading Falun Dafa books at a practitioner's home. Since November 2000, she has been provided with only 140 Yuan [about ?of the monthly salary of an average urban worker] as her living allowance.
  45. Liu Ying, female, is 25 years old. She lives in Dongmen area, Chengdu City. Police detained her for 15 days in the name of "illegal assembly" in a park in May 2000. In June of the same year, after being fired from her work unit, she went to appeal in Beijing. Police beat her for a long time inside a police vehicle parked on Tiananmen Square. She was then transferred for detention in Chengdu, and also imposed with a fine. In March 2001, she was sent to a 'transformation class," and has been detained there since.
  46. Chen Yingjun, male, is 35 years old. Niushikou Police Substation is in charge of his household registration. He was detained 15 days in the name of "illegal assembly" in a park in May 2000. In June of the same year, he went to Beijing to appeal. In Chengdu Liaison Office in Beijing, police illegally handcuffed him together with another practitioner. The police beat them both brutally; ligaments in his left hand was exposed and large bruises where left on his face. He was then transferred to Chengdu for one-month of criminal detention. The administrative department of his working unit punished him by giving him a serious offense record, and also imposed a fine. In March 2001, he was detained in a "transformation class."
  47. Liu Li, female, 28 years old, is a teacher. Shuangqiaozi Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. Her work unit suspended her from her duties and stopped paying her salary because of her determination to practice Falun Gong. She was detained 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal in June 2000. Two days after her term of detention had ended, police tricked her into coming to the police substation and detained her for 15 more days. The administrators in her work unit forcefully withdrew over 2,000 Yuan from her bank account, without her consent, and sent the money to the police substation as payment for a fine. In January 2001, she was taken away from home and sent to a "transformation class." She was illegally detained for one month because she refused to attend the class.
  48. Liu Xiaojuan, female, 58 years old, is an employee at the Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubing Mill. She was intercepted and detained for 15 days while on her way to Beijing to appeal in December 1999. She was again detained for 15 days for reading Falun Dafa books at a practitioner's home in May 2000. Police ransacked her home and confiscated books. She was tricked into going to a police substation under the guise of having to talk and was captured and illegally detained for one month. After her term of detention ended, she was forced to attend a "transformation class." Since November 2000, her work unit has reduced her pay to only 240 Yuan per month as a living allowance.
  49. Li Kaihua, female, over the age of 60, is a retired employee of a steel tubing mill. In December 1999, she was intercepted on her way to Beijing to appeal and was detained for 15 days. She was yet again detained 15 days for reading Falun Dafa books at a practitioner's home in May 2000. Since November 2000, her work unit has reduced her pay to only 240 Yuan per month as a living allowance.
  50. Wang Kai, male, over 30 years old, is an employee at the Chengdu Seamless Steel Tubing Mill. He was detained for one month for having a discussion with other Falun Dafa practitioners in his home in October 2000. He was then sentenced to one year of forced labor and re-education at the Dayan Forced Labor Camp for going to Beijing to appeal in November 1999. The mill fired him.
  51. Zhang Mingfang (Wang Kai's mother), female, is an employee at the Sichun Cotton Mill. She was detained for 15 days for having a discussion with other Falun Dafa practitioners at her home in October 2000. She was again detained for 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal in November 1999. She was forced to pay a large fine of several thousand Yuan. She was required to attend a "transformation class" for a long period of time. In March 2001, she was again forcefully detained for several days under the guise of attending a "transformation class."
  52. Practitioner Wang, female, 44 years old, lives in Beimen, Chengdu City. Dongzikou police substation is in charge of her household registration. The director of Baliqiao Police Substation, Tongzhou, Hebei Province, intercepted her on her way to Beijing to appeal, and beat her face brutally for over 40 minutes. As a result, her face was deformed and bridge of the nose was broken. After she returned to Chengdu, she was forced to pay a fine of 1,900 Yuan and was detained another 3 times. She was sent to a "transformation class" and was again detained for several days as soon as she returned home.
  53. Practitioner Jiang, female, 43 years old, lives in Beimen, Chengdu city. Dongzikou police substation is in charge of her household registration. The young policemen from Baliqiao Police Substation, Tongzhou, Hebei Province, intercepted her while she was on her way to Beijing to appeal, and beat her brutally. The police shocked her all over her body with electric batons, which resulted in many bruises all over her whole body. She was forced to pay a fine of 1,900 Yuan.
  54. Lan Zhulin, female, is over the age of 50. Her resident area is under the control of the Jinjiang District Police Station. She was detained for 15 days for appealing in Jinjiang in November 1999. She was expelled from the Party and was forced to pay a fine of 9,000 Yuan. She was detained in a town police substation of a suburban county for 20 days for no reason in October 2000.
  55. Chen Hexiu, female, is over 50 years old. She was detained for 15 days for appealing in Jinjiang in November 1999. She was forced to pay a fine of 6,000 Yuan. After her term of detention ended, she was forced to attend a "transformation class" until May 2000. While attending the class, she was detained 15 days for returning a book to another practitioner. During this year's Spring Festival [February 24, 2001], police in charge of the class wanted to have a holiday leave and detained the over 20 practitioners of the class for 15 days. Chen went to Beijing to appeal for the second time in December 2000. Police stripped her of her warm coat while outside at -8癈 [17癋] and poured cold water over her head and body. Later she was compelled to jump down from the second floor, resulting in foot bone fracture. She was forced to pay a fine of 5,000 Yuan, which was deducted from her retirement allowance. Her husband (a non-practitioner) works in the same unit as her; police deducted her husband's year-end bonus of 1,200 Yuan.
  56. On January 22, 2001, Leshan City, in Sichun Province, sentenced 50 Falun Dafa practitioners, including Li Lisha (female), to forced labor re-education for 1 to 3 years. Signs were hung around the practitioner's necks and both hands of the practitioners were tightly tied behind their backs. The process was broadcasted on local television for several days. The local government completely disregarded the law and wantonly infringed on the practitioner's human rights.
  57. Wei Tongtong, female, is 32 years old. Jianshe Road Police Substation, in Chengdu City, is in charge of her household registration. She was detained for 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal in June 2000. She was forced to pay a fine of 20,000 Yuan. Police illegally ransacked her home in July 2000 and forced her to attend a "transformation class" for one week. She was tricked into going to the police substation under the guise of having a talk and was detained again for 15 days.
  58. Tan Shaolun, female, is over 40 years old. Tiaodenghe Police Substation, in Chengdu City, is in charge of her household registration. She was detained in January 2000 for practicing Falun Gong in a park. She was then detained several more times up to May 2000. Later she was detained for 15 days for going to Beijing to appeal. She was detained again for 15 days for practicing Falun Gong with other practitioners in a park. Police ransacked her home on several occasions. Her work unit reduced her salary many times.
  59. Qu Xinyi, female, is over 60 years old. Tiaodenghe Police Substation, in Chengdu City, is in charge of her household registration. She was detained 15 days in June 2000 for practicing Falun Gong in a park. In February 2001, she was detained in the No. 1 Detention Center of Chengdu City for distributing materials clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa.
  60. Chen Liqing, female, is over 60 years old. Tiaodenghe Police Substation, in Chengdu City, is in charge of her household registration. She was detained for 15 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. She was forced to attend a "transformation class" in March 2001.
  61. Zhou Zuoshu, female, is over 60 years old. Shuanglin Police Substation is in charge of her household registration. She was detained for 15 days in June 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. She has been kept under surveillance since March 2001.
April 7, 2001