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Thoughts on Human Rights Vote in Geneva

April 19, 2001

As in the past few years, China has again managed a technical maneuver at the UN Commission on Human Rights, avoiding discussion of the US resolution condemning its human rights abuses. Tens of millions who practice Falun Gong have been stripped of their most basic rights, often illegally arrested, beaten, tortured, and even raped; many other spiritual groups can testify to similar abuses. However, some countries have turned a blind eye to China's horrible abuses. Human rights violations are fundamentally a moral issue. We are disappointed that not every country could vote according to its conscience. After China's escape from censure last year at the Commission, the crackdown on Falun Gong escalated drastically, with killings increasing from 11 to 193. During this year's month-long Commission alone at least 15 practitioners have been murdered while in custody. This is something that all righteous people should stand up to and clearly express opposition. There is no excuse for killing and brutalizing peace-loving citizens. Jiang Zemin must not be allowed to take this vote again as a license to kill and continue his crimes against humanity. Heavenly law will not tolerate it. Good and evil will receive due retribution. There is nothing China's leadership fears more than the world learning of its crimes. With the joint effort of Falun Gong practitioners and many people who support justice, the exposure of Jiang Zemin's crimes has been greatly increased this time in Geneva. There has been an outpouring of support throughout the Commission from various organizations, governments, and persons, and we are deeply grateful. Overseas practitioners, with the support from more and more people of goodwill and righteous thoughts, will make the best use of time and increase efforts to further clarify the truth, expose these evils to the world and offer people salvation. Overseas Falun Gong Practitioners April 18, 2001