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Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Lanxiang of Gansu Province Dies from Police Persecution

April 19, 2001

Liu Lanxiang, female, about 40 years old, was an employee of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Minqin County, Gansu Province. With an unshakable belief in Falun Dafa, she rejected the vicious transformation, and traveling several times to Beijing to appeal and continually clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa in her local area. The Public Security Bureaus of Wuwei City and Minqin County illegally arrested, detained, and imposed fines on her more than once. Her relatives and friends were also embroiled. Ms. Liu was harassed so often that she was not able to live or work normally. As a consequence, she had to leave her hometown and spend a long time wandering in and around Lanzhou City. (Clearwisdom Net had reports on this.)

During one night in the beginning of April, Ms. Liu was arrested in Jingangcheng Area, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City while distributing Falun Dafa flyers with other Falun Gong practitioners. In order to find out where and by who the Falun Dafa flyers were being printed, police attempted to force the information out of Ms. Liu. A creditable and true Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Liu did not tell them anything. She died from the brutal torture.

It is inferred that the police tortured her in an extremely cruel way. Our dear practitioner died in the dark of the predawn. On April 10, 2001, the discomfited police informed her family in Minqin County. The basic meaning of the notice was that, "Liu Lanxiang died during a failed attempt to save her. Come to Xiguoyuan Detention Center of Lanzhou City to get her body."

Since the murders that were on stage and behind the scenes strained every nerve to block news of this crime from leaking out, the above is the only information we are able to obtain so far. We believe that the truth behind Liu Xianglan's death will become known to people as part of the Fa-rectification in the human world. Justice will punish those inhuman murders.

This crime occurred during the period of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations. We appeal to the United Nations to reflect upon the case of Liu Xianglan's Death.

Falun Dafa Practitioner in Mainland China

April 12, 2001