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Mourn Peng Min

April 19, 2001

Practitioner Peng Min from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, was tortured to death at around 6 PM on April 6, 2001. Right after Peng Min passed away, his body and his family were transferred to some unknown place. At around 10 AM on April 7, 2001, his body was secretly cremated; his father, Peng Weisheng, was taken out of the Hewan Labor Camp to take a last look at Peng Min's body. After viewing the body, his father was thrown back into the labor camp. Peng Yan, Peng Min's younger sister, was still held in prison and had known nothing about her brother's death! After Peng Min's body was cremated, his brother Peng Liang and his mother were forcefully taken to Qinglinghongxia transformation class located in Wuchang District of Wuhan City. This is the exact same spot where deceased practitioner Cai Mingtao was brutally tortured. It is also the place where Peng Liang had been detained and tortured for six months. This is another blood debt owed by Jiang Zemin and his violent compliances! This is the real picture of the misery people have suffered while Jiang Zemin openly claimed today as "the best period in human rights history."

When Peng Min stayed in Beijing to guard the Dafa, he did a great amount of work including arranging transportation, providing accommodation, and contacting other practitioners. He provided much assistance for other practitioners to appeal. Even after he was tortured to disability, he still firmly kept true to his belief in Dafa. This encouraged many other practitioners who had not stepped forward to become more determined.

Every time I think of those practitioners who have sacrificed their lives to protect Dafa, I cannot hold back my tears and I realize the distance between them and myself. I feel that I am dragging behind compared to them. I remember that Cai Mingtao once gave me a hint in my dream after he passed away saying that I was not determined enough and he felt sorry for me. When Peng Min was paralyzed and lying on his bed, he smiled and said, "I cannot move. My body below my head is paralyzed." I felt sad and sighed. You asked me not to be sad and your tears came down. I wiped off your tears and I knew that you worried about me since I did not cultivate very well. You were afraid that I could not stand up to all the pressures. These are the sacrifices that our pioneers paid. These people are Peng Weisheng, Cai Mingtao, Peng Min, Peng Yan and Ye Jingfeng, who was arrested along with them. They sacrificed a great deal so that the people who followed in their steps would suffer less.

Here I express my highest respect for Peng Min, for his family, and for all the persecuted practitioners! Meanwhile, we will firmly cultivate and follow our teacher, assisting in the Fa-rectification in the human world, and eliminating all evil forces to welcome this magnificent period of history.

Practitioner from Mainland China

Apr 12, 2001

One of the murderers of Peng Min:

Chen Jingwu: male. His cellular phone number is: 86-13007193031. Phone number is: 86-27-88873618 or 86-27-88848110