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Professor Zhang Kunlun Discloses the Fraudulent Tactics Jiang Zemin Uses to "Reform" Falun Gong Practitioners

April 19, 2001

In a speech given to western media in Geneva, professor Zhang Kunlun ferreted out the fraudulent tactics used by Jiang Zemin in the so-called "transformation of Falun Gong practitioners" scheme.

Jiang Zemin and his cohorts have deceived the Chinese people and the rest of the world about Falun Gong. Their claim that Falun Gong practitioners have been "reformed" is yet another heinous lie.

The following is a summary of professor Zhang's speech:

The method used by some police was to detain the practitioners in labor camps for extended periods of time, prevent the practitioners from having any form of connection to the outside or from hearing any outside message, and prevent them from practicing and sharing experiences. Watching official TV programs was a daily routine. They would assign guards to make sure practitioners kept their heads up and eyes open while watching the programs. Practitioners were forced to write "transformation reports." They used various means such as slander, lies, temptation, and mental abuse to confuse the minds of practitioners and force them to say words against their own hearts, or to act against their wills. Later they would use these statements to fabricate materials, to slander the practitioners and Falun Gong, and at the same time deceive the rest of the world.

Some practitioners were brainwashed inside and were not able to obtain any information for a long time. After meals, they would often feel strange and start seeing double. Guards in the labor camps knew that frequent persuasion was not very effective, as practitioners wouldn't listen to them. Beatings, shocks from electric batons, and even death would not transform a practitioner's mind. Thus, they had some spies pose as practitioners. These people even studied Zhuan Falun in order to be able to sound like true practitioners. They would tell the practitioners what Li Hongzhi had said on a specific page or line of a lecture to appear to have studied the Fa well. In fact, they arbitrarily modified the teachings of Dafa and used them to slander Dafa. In this way they tried to confuse people and lead them astray.

Posing as practitioners, the spies maintained that cultivation was now complete and made other false statements in order to mislead practitioners. Why did they do this? Because Dafa practitioners have learned the true meaning of life through studying Dafa, and nothing could change their hearts. Practitioners have experienced the changes in themselves and improvements in the spiritual realm, which verified from various points of view that every word of Dafa is the truth. Spies tried to destroy practitioners' faith by distorting the truth.

Caught in carefully designed traps, some practitioners made some inappropriate statements. These words were immediately recorded and videotaped, and later turned into propaganda against Falun Gong. They totally controlled the public media through such deception. They said to the public: "Look at this person who cultivated so well and so firmly in the past; now even he is starting to doubt Dafa." People in society do not know the facts, and easily believe when manipulated.

Since westerners tend to see our problems more objectively, Jiang Zemin does not allow the true situation to be revealed to the outside world. Underhanded tactics are also used to deceive foreign governments and human rights organizations. Jiang Zemin's group claims that the reason Falun Gong practitioners are sent to labor camps and imprisoned is not because they practice Falun Gong, but because they are breaking the law. They say this because they know that westerners respect the rights of a country to punish those who break the law. But what westerners do not know is that the so-called "six rules of public security" law [see the enclosed below] made against Falun Gong after Jiang Zemin decided to ban the practice is, in itself, a violation of China's Constitution.

Jiang Zemin's group uses one method to mislead Falun Gong practitioners, another to blind the Chinese people, and yet another tactic to deceive foreign countries. Jiang Zemin's group wants to deceive and control all people.

Professor Zhang concluded by quoting his lawyer, Mr. Cotler, who said, "In fact, Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance is not just the principles that practitioners should follow; but what all of mankind should follow as the basic human moral principles." This is what a clear-minded non-practitioner said.

Mr. Li Hongzhi said, "With a benevolent heart, promote the Fa and save people." It has been verified that Falun Gong benefits both the mind and body. Jiang Zemin's group uses underhanded means to confuse the common people, making them unable to obtain the Fa and cultivate compassion for both body and mind. Who is good and who is bad? Isn't it very clear?

Reported by a North American practitioner

April 13, 2001


The Notice of the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China

The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China has already declared in July 22, 1999, that the Falun Dafa research society and the Falun Gong organizations under its control were illegal organizations, and decided on a ban. In view of the above, take note of the following special notice:

1. Everyone is prohibited from displaying in any public place scrolls, pictures and other marks or symbols promoting Falun Dafa (Falun Gong);

2. Everyone is prohibited from distributing in any public place books, cassettes and other materials promoting Falun Dafa (Falun Gong);

3. Everyone is prohibited from gathering a crowd to perform 'group exercises' and other activities promoting Falun Dafa (Falun Gong);

4. It is prohibited to use sit-ins, petitions and other means to hold assemblies, marches or demonstrations in defense and promotion of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong);

5. It is prohibited to fabricate or distort facts, to spread rumors on purpose or use other means to incite [people] and disturb social order;

6. Everyone is prohibited from organizing or taking part in activities opposing the government's relevant decision, or from establishing contacts [with other people] for this purpose.

Any violation of these aforementioned regulations will be pursued for criminal liability or given administrative punishment according to the degree of seriousness of each case. [According to Xinhua News Agency]