Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Geneva March

April 19, 2001

1. A United Nations representative said, "I often heard about Falun Gong, and I am surprised that I have come across you in this small town."

Over the weekend we went to small towns near Geneva to spread Dafa. We happened to meet a family we talked to during lunchtime in a restaurant near the rail station. He was an official serving as a representative sent by a certain country to the United Nations. He was taking a vacation with his family. There were a lot of Dafa practitioners in the restaurant. We talked for about 40-50 minutes and he invited us to take a group photo with him.

The official told us, "I didn't think I could have met you in a town like this, though I often heard about Falun Gong. Now the whole world knows about you. We are supportive of your cause. I hope you will work even harder to let more people know; they need to pay more attention to Falun Gong."

Finally the official gave us his contact number and said, "This is not an answering machine number; you will reach me directly with it."

2. A representative of a children's organization said, "We will write to the Chinese Government about this."

We explained how Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted in China, particularly how women and children are treated. They were very shocked and said, "We will write to the Chinese Government about this!"

3. Back to Geneva

As Dafa practitioners, it is clear to us what we should do when Dafa needs us the most during the Fa rectification period. It is very important to break through our personal barriers; this is exactly where we need to improve.

When I was considering coming to Geneva again, what held me back wasn't financial problems or my 6-year-old son; I was most concerned about my pregnancy and the scary experience of air travel and air tribulations. At first I thought I wouldn't want to travel by air until after my daughter is born. When I hesitated, I read an article about a female practitioner on Minghui.org; she stepped forward eight times to protect Dafa during her pregnancy and even eight months after she gave birth to a son. Finally, she dedicated her life to Dafa and was killed by Jiang Zemin's regime. Gradually I broke through my personal barriers and decided to go to Geneva again.

It takes a couple of hours for me to go from my city to the airport. Usually I would leave home 10 hours in advance, meet up with another practitioner mid way, then go and meet other practitioners in the airport; it was like small streams merging into a river.

A test came shortly after I got on the plane. The seats were very narrow and I had to sit between two people; it was difficult for me to stretch my legs. Initially I wanted to ask the attendants if they had seats for pregnant women. Then I thought that there are two people sitting next to me, and that they might have predestined relationships with Dafa, so I decided to stay. Naturally the gentleman to my left and I started talking. We talked about daily life issues, from Chinese culture to cultivation practice. I told him that I am reading the books written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, that the books are very interesting and discussed the topic of space and time in other dimensions. He thought it was regrettable that he could not read Chinese. I gave him the English web site, and he said he would visit it. Then I talked to the black lady to my right; she is a midwife. We started talking about my pregnancy and later about Falun Gong cultivation practice. She was very excited and said, "I will call you to learn more about Falun Gong after my vacation."

Even though I was having difficulty stretching my legs, they felt relaxed and soothed during our conversation.

After we reached Amsterdam, we continued to Hong Fa (spread Dafa) and practiced the exercises. After the sitting exercise, I found out that most of our flyers had been taken. Later, my fear of air travel disappeared while taking a small plane to Geneva.

Upon reaching the inn in Geneva, I felt so gratified to meet so many cordial faces of practitioners from all over the world. A western practitioner came over and asked, "Did you go to Washington DC in 1999? I do not know your name but we are all like brothers and sisters." Other practitioners already prepared instant noodles for us even though they did not know our names.

Dozens of people participated in the Fa study that evening. Among them, there was a practitioner who was eight-months pregnant and practitioners with children of several months to a year old. In that pure environment I could no longer feel the existence of my little "self."

The pregnant woman said she had gotten up during the night to write down the following experience she wanted to share with us. She said, "I had been thinking 'I will go no matter how difficult it is.' Before coming to Geneva, I had a lot of difficulties. After reading one chapter of the book [Zhuan Falun], I decided to come regardless of the difficulties. The evening that I made this decision, my car was stolen. But I told myself that this is a test, and I had to go regardless. With this righteous thought, I found my car two blocks from my home. My bag and $350 cash were still there. Actually it was just a small test."

A Canadian Practitioner

Early morning on April 9, 2001 in Geneva