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What is Really Behind the "Million Signatures Drive": The Experience of A Little Girl

April 27, 2001

On March 5, 2001, vicious people from Boli County of Heilongjiang Province forced every teacher and student in the Xinqi Primary School to sign their names to documents slandering Dafa.

To avoid signing, Xuan Xuemei, a girl student in grade 5, class 4, asked to leave. But two days later, the county again sent some people to make videos while forcing every teacher and student to sign. Xuan Xuemei, a Falun Dafa practitioner, suddenly developed a stomachache and again asked to leave.

A few days later, the police came up with yet another scheme. Xuan Xuemei's mother is a diligent Falun Dafa practitioner and is wanted by the police. In order to find her, the police looked for Xuan Xuemei's name on the signature sheet. Unable to find her name, they exerted pressure on the school to force Xuan Xuemei to sign and thereby aid them to track down her mother's whereabouts.

Teacher Yi Bo was assigned the task of talking to Xuan Xuemei and forcing her to give up cultivation. Because Xuan Xuemei was unwilling to say anything against the Master and Dafa, teacher Yi Bo said to Xuan Xuemei in tears: "If you don't follow orders and denounce Master Li and Dafa, all teachers and students in the school will have to bear the consequences and become involved. The police will arrest us all" After three hours of threats and pressure, this eleven-year-old pupil said those words, against her will and in tears.

Only 15 minutes after Xuemei returned to class, she was called to the principal's office again. There were already 3 or 4 police officers "politely" waiting there. One of them asked, "Is Falun Gong very good?" Xuemei answered, "Yes." "Why is it good?" Answer: "Falun Gong teaches people to be good persons." Another one asked: "Is Li Hongzhi very good?" Answer: "Yes." They laughed loudly. Then they pressed for her mother's whereabouts. The child said: "I don't know where she is." In order to find her mother, those who had lost all remaining bits of their righteous minds even kept Xuemei's last known residence under surveillance.

Xuemei went back to class, where the teacher again tried to persuade her to quit practicing. Xuemei showed her will to firmly cultivate Dafa. The teacher said to her: "You have only two choices: either go to school and not practice, or practice but don't go to school." Under these kinds of pressures and threats, Xuemei went home.

After her father learned of this, the two discussed the matter and wrote a "declaration," which they sent to the 615-office [specially set up to persecute Falun Gong] of the county, police and the school, respectively. She and her father left home and drifted about aimlessly. They have become homeless persons. This is only one of the inside stories behind the "million signature" drive of Jiang Zemin and his regime. Kindhearted people, it is time that we become more sober. Everyone must examine these matters with their own righteous minds and draw their own conclusions!

Dafa practitioners from Mainland China

April 18, 2001