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A Young Child's Complaint through Blood and Tears -- the Truth about how the Police Brutally Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

April 27, 2001

[Minghui Net] April 21, 2001 -- About three years ago, my parents began practicing Falun Gong. At that time my father had stomach cancer. He studied Qi Gong, but could not get rid of his sickness. Later on, he began to practice Falun Gong, and shortly thereafter his illness lessened. In addition, his temperament also improved. Before practicing Falun Dafa, he spent a lot of his time drinking alcohol and playing Majiang [a Chinese gambling game]. He often didn't return home until dawn. My mother would fight with him because of this. However, my father never admitted he was at fault. For instance, on one occasion he waited for 7 days in the fields for his turn to irrigate, but finally was not able to because of one individual . So he beat up that person really badly, leaving him with serious injuries. On another occasion, while fighting over the ownership of a chicken, someone hit my mother. My father took that person to court and won the case. There were many more incidents similar to these. But since practicing Falun Gong, he stopped drinking: he hasn't even had a single drop of alcohol. Moreover, he and my mother don't quarrel much anymore, and he has also been able to develop harmonious relationships with the neighbors. People all commented that he seemed to have changed into a different person, one who was more than willing to help others, and who didn't put too much weight on his own personal interests. Aren't these changes the result of the profound power of Dafa?

In 1999, after the government banned Falun Gong, my father went to the capital [Beijing] to appeal. After being arrested and escorted back, he experienced severe torture in the detention center. Nonetheless, he painstakingly helped others by sharing his own food with them. Several months later, he was released, only to be dismissed by his work unit. However, he did not complain at all. Later on, he started his own small business. He would give away items to those in need, causing him to frequently sustain losses. When selling our home-grown green beans, he never bargained. He didn't even count the money others paid him for the goods they bought.

In order to further suppress Falun Gong, the county "6.10 office" [a government office, specially set up to persecute Falun Gong practitioners] and the political security unit of the county police department, managed the "transformation class" in the Party's school. My parents were forced to attend the class at the same time. In the class, the organizers asked them to scold Master Li. My father said: "You are an official. How could you teach people to curse?" Afterwards, that person brutally beat my father after handcuffing him to a heating pipe.

On New Year's Day, 2000, when clarifying the truth to people, my parents were arrested and held in the detention center again. My father suffered from all kinds of torture in the center. For example, he was shackled to a heavy instrument, while having a tube inserted down his throat [used to force feed a person when one refuses to eat] and into his stomach. He was also sentenced to jail.

After holding a hunger strike for 9 days, my mother was released after she handed over a 4000 Yuan "fine." [about US$470; average monthly income in rural China is about $25] But merely 4 months later, the county police requested that my mother come to the county police office to clarify things "about my father's situation." When she arrived, they detained her instead. Afterwards, she was sentenced to two years in jail without informing my family.

Now my parents are both in jail, and I live at home, alone. No one takes care of me, or helps with the routine work that still needs to be done on the farm. I can only go to appeal for Dafa.

Kuwa [in English, Bitter Child]

April 4, 2001