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Latest News from China - 04/23/2001

April 27, 2001

[China] Miracle in Prison By the end of August 2000, without due process of law, I was once again sent to a detention center. No. 9 cell held seven of us, myself included. I was the only Dafa practitioner there. The inmates crowded around me at my arrival and asked questions about Falun Gong. Right away, I started to spread Dafa to them and recited Teacher Li's scriptures and Hongyin [Teacher's poetry collection]. They showed great interest and asked me to write down the scriptures and poems for them. A female prisoner with the last name of Liu enjoyed the poem "To Be Human" very much. She would read it whenever she got a chance. Two days later, a strange, incurable diseasemorning vomitingfrom which she had suffered for many years, disappeared! The inmates in the detention center no longer have to listen to the unpleasant sound of her vomiting every morning. After that, everybody began to learn the Fa and practice the exercises with me. Some of them gave up their bad habits of fighting and cursing. The relationships between the inmates have greatly improved. This month, cell No.9 was even awarded the honor of "most civilized cell." This is a true example of a manifestation of "The Buddha-light illuminates every where and rectifies all abnormalities." [China] Bloody Crackdown I arrived at Tiananmen Square on the morning of December 29, 2000 and unfurled a banner. My action coincided with the actions of hundreds of fellow practitioners. We shouted, "Falun Dafa is an orthodox Fa," and "Restore the reputation of Our Master!" The police did not expect that so many practitioners would suddenly appear. In addition, two 100-meter [about 330 feet] long banners were unfurled at the same time! All of a sudden, banners of all sizes were waving everywhere on Tiananmen Square. The voices of practitioners were earthshaking. The police swarmed in, separated us into groups and then surrounded us. They beat, pushed, and kicked us into the police vans and sent us to a police station located at the east side of the Square. Several hundred people were packed in a yard. Together we continued shouting "Falun Dafa is good." We recited scriptures and Hongyin. A lot of passersby were attracted and stopped to watch us. Later one of the practitioners suggested, "We didn't violate any law, so we are not supposed to be kept here. We should leave!" Then, we all began to walk away. In desperation, the armed police and others beat us with batons and fists. Many fellow practitioners' heads were cut and bleeding. A female practitioner standing next to me had the top of her head cracked open from the beating. So vicious was the abuse that blood gushed out and soaked her hair and collar. The blood kept on dripping. While watching this, my heart was bleeding [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Two University Students Were Sent to Labor Camps Male practitioners Wang Tao and Ke Shengwei are both about 23 years old and students from the National University of Southwestern China. Last year, they were arrested for revealing the truth about Falun Dafa and distributing truth-clarifying flyers during the University Students' Sports Games. They were sentenced to forced labor and expelled by the university. [Laishui County, Hebei Province] Disclosure of the Recent Persecution Towards Falun Gong Practitioners in Laishui County Since December 2000, many Falun Gong practitioners in Laishui County have been arrested. Two practitioners were caught and taken to the Sunzhuang Police Station on their way back home from taking care of personal affairs. At the police station, more than 10 police officers beat and shocked them with electric batons. The police hit the practitioners' faces with an iron shovel. They also forced the practitioners to bend over a chair, pulled down their pants, and shocked them with electric batons for more than two hours. Practitioners were handcuffed to an iron pipe for a whole night and then sent to the Zhuo County Detention Center. Five days later, Laishui County Police brought them back to the Laishui County Detention Center. On April 4, 2001, something else happened to them. Liu Yaohua, the director of Legal and Law Committee of Laishui County, and Sun Guijie, the secretary of the County's Party Committee, and others took the practitioners to the "Party College." Another 3 practitioners were arrested at home and sent to the Wangcun Police Station. The police there brutally beat up the practitioners with steel wires. The practitioners were beaten black and blue all over. They could hardly walk or lie down. Afterwards, they were sent to the Laishui Detention Center. On April 4, the 19 practitioners in the Detention Center and another 12 practitioners in the jail were sent to the Laishui "Party College." On arrival there, the practitioners went on a hunger strike. The next day, Sun Guijie ordered his underlings to buy some milk powder and salt and prepared to force-feed practitioners. Luo Zhenlun, the head of the town, and Xia Xiaosong, the secretary of the political and law committee of the town where the two practitioners were residing, were also on the scene. The police beat and kicked one of the practitioners who went on the hunger strike. They beat this practitioner so severely that the stick they were using broke into many pieces. They also knocked out one of the practitioners' front teeth and force-fed him afterwards. Furthermore, Xia Xiaosong kicked another practitioner to the ground. Since the practitioner refused to eat, his mouth was stuffed with chunks of cement. This same Xia, open-handedly slapped the practitioner's face 3 times with all his strength. He then boxed the practitioner's face while pulling his hair back. After the practitioner fainted, they force- fed him. The homes of 4 practitioners in Sheting Town were ransacked. TV sets and recorders were confiscated. Liu Ying, the director of Gao village, led a dozen people from the local police station to break their windows and take away their tricycle, which are crimes of "breaking and entering" and "illegal search and seizure" and "grand theft." The longest detention meted out so far is 10 months. Recently, they arrested several practitioners straight from their homes or on their way home. The practitioners were viciously beaten up. The telephone number of Laishui Police Station (director's office): 011-86-312-4523689 The telephone number of the director of Laishui Political & Law Committee: 011-86-312-4522028 The telephone number of the director of Laishui Police & Discipline Inspection Bureau: 011-86-312-4522039 [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Kindness will be Rewarded With Kindness and Evil will be Rewarded With Evil The Chengdu Airplane Company cooperated with the evil forces of Jiang Zemin to persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners. They illegally detained many Dafa practitioners. During the Spring Festival, Dafa practitioners were illegally and forcefully arrested at home and thrown into prison without due process of law. They "fined" Dafa practitioners and stopped paying their salaries and pensions. This year, already two airplanes manufactured by this company have crashed. In the middle of April, a military airplane built by the company also crashed. The pilot had followed the evil forces closely on the Falun Gong issue and had slandered Dafa. Because of that, we think he died in the accident.