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Explaining the Truth and Spreading Falun Dafa Under the Eiffel Tower in Paris

April 27, 2001

The United Nations Human Rights Commission was in recess from April 14 to April 16. Using this long weekend, 12 Canadian Falun Dafa practitioners went from Geneva to Paris and joined practitioners in France under the Eiffel Tower to spread Falun Dafa.

In Eiffel Tower Square, there were many tourists from around the world. On the first day, roughly 100,000 people passed by the Eiffel Tower. Seeing the waves upon waves of people was like seeing tens of thousands of lives waiting to be saved, and practitioners deeply understood their responsibility. A Falun Dafa banner and the practitioners' practice site were situated in such a way that anyone who wanted to go up in the Tower had to pass by. This was a result of the French practitioners' efforts in explaining the truth to people during the past 20 months.

During the continuous 3-day Dafa-spreading and clarification of the truth, we met many predestined and compassionate people. Among them were people who came from Denmark, Britain, Russia, the Philippines, Holland, Spain, Italy, India, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Mainland China.

Practitioners from France made over ten large display boards explaining the truth and spread them out in one straight line. Behind the boards, dozens of practitioners demonstrated the 5 sets of exercises with the music. This calm and peaceful righteous field attracted many, many tourists to stop. Seven or eight practitioners handed out Falun Dafa information. They used French, English, Chinese and other languages to explain the facts and truth of Falun Gong. Some people heard about the Law of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" for the first time and agreed with it very much; some wanted to learn the exercises immediately. Most people were shocked by the persecution in China and sincerely hoped they could help stop it.

We also met many Chinese delegations and Chinese people. Practitioners took the opportunity to expose the evil and explained what was happening with Falun Gong in China.

There was one delegation that consisted of over ten people. Practitioners gave them Falun Dafa information. At the beginning they refused and repeated the words from the Chinese government's propaganda. Practitioners told them that all the countries in the world welcome Falun Gong, and that China is the only country that persecutes Falun Gong. Practitioners then told them that during the past 20 months, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, beaten, and sentenced to prison. They also described the deaths of 190 Falun Gong practitioners at the hands of the government. They also showed them pictures of the brutality of Jiang Zemin's gang in Tiananmen Square. In the face of the facts, they spoke no more, and some voluntarily accepted the information from the practitioners.

Two Chinese girls who were about 17 or 18 years old saw us practicing Falun Gong and spoke out loudly, "Falun Gong people dare to practice here!" Practitioners explained to them that Falun Gong teaches us how to become better people and that the propaganda from the Jiang Zemin government is completely false. Practitioners also showed them the picture of Chen Ying [who was killed in the persecution at 18 years old] and told them that Chen Ying was also their age. She should have enjoyed wonderful things in her life but she was brutally killed, only because she was a Falun Gong practitioner, only because she wanted to speak the truth. These two girls took the Dafa information and softly said, "Thank you."

Many Chinese people were puzzled by the "Tiananmen self-immolation" incident. Practitioners explained the truth to them and cleared their doubts. This allowed them to see that the propaganda from Jiang Zemin's criminal gang was deceiving the people. In the short 3-day period, we experienced so many such incidents. They started from not understanding and opposing, to understanding and beginning to show signs of compassion. They started to truly choose their future. We also met some other compassionate Chinese people. They wanted to learn about Falun Gong and started to think about what was happening in China. One young man told us that he mailed some Falun Gong information to his family in Northeastern China and that he hopes they understand the truth. Some people were very sympathetic to Falun Gong practitioners and truly hope the persecution in China ends and that Chinese citizens will be given the right to choose what to believe.

We are seeing more and more people understand Falun Dafa, understand the truth, and choose wisely for their future lives.

Canadian Practitioners

April 19th, 2001