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Australian Practitioners Promote Falun Dafa and Clarify the Truth about Falun Gong during the First Global Gathering of the Greens

April 27, 2001

[Minghui Net] This Easter brought the first global gathering of the Greens, "Global Greens 2001", to the National Convention Center in Australia's capital, Canberra. About one thousand delegates from over 70 countries, including the leaders of the Greens, attended the conference.

With the assistance of Greens' members, we set up an advisory desk in the conference hall. We played the videotapes "The Truth of the Tiananmen Immolation" and "True Stories of Falun Gong," which prompted delegates from different countries to sign our appeals. The majority of the delegates had heard about Falun Gong, though we found their comprehension insufficient. When we further explained the severity of the persecution in China, they began to understand and realize that the brutal crackdown led by Jiang Zemin was an intolerable violation of human rights. This aroused a collective feeling of sympathy among the delegates, as they expressed their wishes to support Falun Gong. However, at one point we did meet with opposition, as a particular delegate who worked for the government could not understand our actions. He had the impression we were engaging in political activities. This gave us yet another opportunity to clarify our views so as to enable people who have been confused by the propaganda and lack of unbiased factual evidence to come to know Dafa (Great Law; and Principles). We kindly explained to him that if Jiang Zemin and his government hadn't initiated the ban on Falun Gong, we wouldn't have been there. How could we not voice our opposition? Upon paying attention to this, the delegate nodded in approval and signed the appeal to show his support. Thereafter, a woman from the University of Canberra walked directly to our desk and wrote down "Do not fear" to encourage us. A lady from Japan also took a dozen petitions for appeals. She wanted to bring them home to collect signatures to support Falun Gong.

During this Hongfa and truth-clarifying event, we all witnessed the miraculous power of Dafa awakening people's hearts. It is becoming increasingly clear to various levels of society that the persecution of Falun Gong is utterly wrong. The distinction between good and evil has become distinguishable, leaving people the option to evaluate the true significance of Falun Dafa.

(Reported by Australia practitioners on April 19, 2001)