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Canada Celebrates "Falun Dafa Festival" May 13-21

May 13, 2001

The week of May 13-21 is Canada's first "Falun Dafa Festival". Falun Dafa practitioners across the country will hold many public activities during the week. The Festival will express and share the joy and peace of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, the principles that embody Falun Dafa, with Canadians who cherish these qualities in life. We will also celebrate our freedom of belief here in Canada to pay respect to Falun Dafa practitioners in China who face persecution and have no freedom to believe as they choose. May 13th is "World Falun Dafa Day". Kind-hearted people around the world will celebrate Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance in events together with Falun Dafa practitioners in the more than 40 countries. Public activities in Canada include: Toronto