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Photo Report: Practitioners In Korea, Australia, UK, And USA Send Forth Righteous Thoughts To Eliminate the Evil (May 30, 2001)

June 1, 2001

On May 30, 2001, Dafa practitioners from around the world joined efforts for the second time and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil within the Three Realms that damages Dafa.

Practitioners in Korea send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all evil in the Three Realms that damage Dafa.

Practitioners in Sydney send forth righteous thoughts again in front of the Chinese Embassy

Practitioners in London gathered at the Chinese Embassy to send forth righteous thoughts together

Practitioners in Northern California send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil

Practitioners in Michigan eliminate the evil

Practitioners in Columbus, OH send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil

Practitioners in Las Vegas send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil

Practitioners in Boston send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil