Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT

Photo Report: Practitioners In New Jersey Promote Dafa In Street Festival

June 17, 2001

It was a beautiful day in North Plain Field on June 9. The Somerset Street was very crowded. The Falun Dafa booth was different from others in that there was no selling or money exchange. What attracted the passersby were the "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" banner, practitioners' graceful movements, and the peacefulness on their faces. This is the Falun Dafa booth run by practitioners from Bridgewater and Edison.

The Fa promotion went on for a whole day. From time to time, people stopped by to ask if they could learn the exercises or where they could find the nearest practice site.

Our neighbor was a western couple. They have heard of Falun Dafa for a long time but did not know where they could learn it. After they saw practitioners doing the exercises, they told us in surprise, "God must have arranged this: Let us come here and have the honor to see Falun Gong in person."

A middle-aged gentleman said something very encouraging, "I know you are all good people. Continue with what you are doing. I know what is happening in China too. God will win. God will win eventually. Trust me!"