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News Release July 15, 2001: Ying Zhu to Walk from Montreal to Ottawa

July 18, 2001

[Montreal] Ying Zhu, a Concordia University student recently released from a thirty-three days detention in China for her practice of Falun Gong, will be walking to Ottawa from Montreal in hopes of raising awareness about the escalation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Joining Ying is a fellow Montreal practitioner and Cegep student, Haocheng Zhang. Ying and Haocheng plan on reaching Ottawa for a July 20th press conference highlighting the second anniversary of Jiang Zemin's decision to persecute Falun Gong. Since the persecution began, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been thrown into labor camps without trial, thousands forcefully committed to mental hospitals, and many thousands more illegally held in jails and prisons. In each setting the conditions are deplorable, the treatment appalling. The captive Falun Gong practitioners are routinely the victims of terrible human rights abuses of every sort. At least 252 have been killed already in this violent campaign of suppression. This is two years too long!

The Jiang Zemin regime in China has vowed to have more practitioners renounce their faith before the July 20th anniversary and is using every means necessary to do so. Recent reports confirm that on June 20th, 15 female practitioners were beaten to death inside a Chinese labor camp. Most recently 10 men were subject to the same treatment and fate (see following statement). These killings must stop! Falun Gong practitioners worldwide are using every peaceful mean at their disposal -- diplomatic, legal and humanitarian-- to stop any further killing of innocent people in China. Ying and Haocheng will walk together to call for urgent support to rescue Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. Around the world thousands are taking up similar walks in support of this cause. In our own nation, people started a 300-hour round-the-clock vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy Consulates.

Ying Zhu says, "After hearing about the 15 women who were murdered and now 10 men, I feel that I have to do what I can to stop the further killing of more innocent lives. I will walk and try to let as many people know about the truth about Falun Gong and the injustice practitioners in China are facing. I know from my own experience that a strong international voice can help.

Haocheng says: "I hope through my walk, people can realize the unbelievable severity of the persecution towards Falun Gong practitioners in China."

The walk will start Monday (July 16) morning at 10:00am from Montreal City Hall. It will pass Chomedy, St. Eustache, Lachute, Hull and in Ottawa will finish at the Chinese Embassy.

Please help them in any way you can to stop the mass murder of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

If you would like to show your support to Ms. Ying Zhu, and Mr. Haocheng Zhang and Falun Gong practitioners, or want to know more about Falun Gong and the persecution of Falun Gong in China, please call (514) 758-8739 or (514) 487-9486, or visit www.faluninfo.net