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Congressman James A. Traficant, Jr. of Ohio: In Support of the Falun Dafa

July 20, 2001

July 18, 2001

Mr. Speaker, today I would like to recognize the determination and perseverance of the Falun Dafa, a peaceful movement seeking freedom to think as they wish and believe as they choose.

But freedom they cannot have, as long as the Chinese-dictatorship government remains strong; i.e., as long as the rest of the world is willing to ignore the pervasive human rights abuse ongoing throughout China.

The Chinese government is "cracking down," i.e., executing as many followers they can capture, while much of the rest of the world looks the other way. Unbelievably, the world even awards China as host of the 2008 Olympic Games -- Games meant to celebrate life and the human spirit. China celebrates neither; rather, China bathes in blood. As Amnesty International recently reported, more people have been executed in China during the past three months than in all the rest of the world during the past three years.

I support the efforts of the Falun Dafa to realize freedom, and pray that the day may soon come when the citizens of China, and all the world, will be free to worship the religion of their choosing and enjoy the basic human right of religious freedom. That is what the Pilgrims came to America for, and it is disheartening that freedom remains elusive for so many people nearly four-hundred years since the Pilgrims perilous departure across the seas.

It is past time for America and the world to take a proactive stand against the alarming human rights abuse in China. As we speak, another will likely be executed, or as the Chinese officials may report, another will commit "suicide."

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are looking down the fangs of a dragon. There have been forty-nine Falun Dafa deaths reported in the past month; tens of thousands are suffering in labor "re-education" camps where the use of torture, forced confessions, arbitrary arrest, rape, and denial of due process are reportedly rampant. We must stop this death and dying at the hand of Communist Chinese dictators. I hope that the world will soon unite in proactive support for the freedom of mankind that so many have given their lives for. Let them not die in vain.

I appreciate this opportunity to lend my support to the efforts of the Falun Dafa Practitioners to realize freedom, and I wish them well in their quest for this ideal. May this serve as an opportunity for the world to do right.