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SOS! A Long Walk in Connecticut

July 6, 2001 |   An American practitioner

[Minghui Net] Last Sunday morning, reporters from the biggest newspaper in Connecticut, the Hartford Courant, interviewed practitioners at a local practice site.

At around 2PM, under the scorching sun, the three of us Connecticut practitioners set off, walking eastward along Highway 1 near Waterford, and we were met by five other practitioners walking westward. They were happy that we joined them. We took over carrying their banner that read "STOP THE KILLING IN CHINA," and walked on, holding it up high. Cars constantly passed by. The drivers honked their horns to show their encouragement and support.

When we passed a roadside parking lot, a car, traveling at high speed, suddenly stopped and pulled over. A head stuck out of the car window. It was an American. He asked to take our picture so that he could display it at his school. We all gladly posed for him and also gave him a Falun Dafa-introduction flyer.

At 4PM, news reporters from the FOX TV Station, channel 61 met us curbside for a previously arranged interview. The reporters walked along with us as we talked. After they had finished interviewing us, the photographer still ran back and forth with his video camera on his shoulder taking footage, especially shots of our "walking feet" as well as of the logo on the back of our T-shirts which read: "STOP THE PERSECUTION."