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Press Meeting in Front of the Chinese Embassey in London to Protest the Massacre

July 7, 2001 |   UK Dafa Practitioners

On July 3, Falun Gong practitioners in London held press a conference in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest the extremely cruel and shocking massacre of the 15 female Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured to death together on the same day in the Harbin Wanjia Labour Camp.

The UK Falun Gong Information Centre sent a press release to tens of international media, reporting this shocking massacre which happened in China. 15 female Falun Gong practitioners, who have suffered physical and mental torture and abuse, died while still under a false charge. BBC international TV, America ABC Television, the largest UK evening newspaper "Evening Standard" and BBC Chinese Radio all interviewed practitioners about this massacre

About 20 Falun Gong practitioners in London, when they heard about the massacre news, gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest. They hung up the banner "SOS" and distributed the press release and the shocking news to people walking by and people in cars. Many practitioners came straight from work. One western practitioner who had just learned Falun Gong two weeks previous also came to join this activity once he heard about the news.

People passing by were all shocked when they read the news of the massacre. Many of them said "We support you," "You have your freedom of belief." Some people even wanted to donate money. We turned down with gratitude, suggesting that they help by signing a petition or writing letters to show their support.

Dafa practitioners revealed the lies the Chinese Government told the media and explained to the media that suiside is against our principle as practitioners. There is a great deal of evidence that can prove the brutal torture and killings that the Chinese government has carried out against Falun gong practitioners. We appeal to the world: Save the Falun Gong practitioners, Stop the Killing.

During the activity, Dafa practitioners also sent forth righteous thought to eliminate the evil.

Falun Gong practitioners in London also plan to hold a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy on this Saturday night (July 7).