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Australian Practitioners Launch "Yellow Ribbon" Campaign for Falun Gong Supporters

July 8, 2001 |   A practitioner from Melbourne, Australia

I am a practitioner from Melbourne Australia. While brainstorming for ideas for Melbourne activities for the 20th of July I came up with an idea. Actually I was thinking that I would like to wear my Falun pin or my badge that says "I Support Falun Dafa," to work. Unfortunately I would not be allowed to wear any of them because it would not fit in with my company's uniform. Then I thought of the Breast Cancer Foundation and the colored ribbons they ask people to wear to raise awareness. I thought why don't I just wear a yellow ribbon, and if anyone asks why I am wearing it I can HongFa to them and tell them about the 20th of July activities. I think this is a good idea to invite non-practitioners to support Falun Dafa and Truth-Compassion-Tolerance by giving them a yellow ribbon to wear. I put this idea forward to the rest of Melbourne and we have decided to incorporate it into our activities in Melbourne for the 20th of July, "SOS Walk" from the Chinese Consulate through our city center ending at the steps of our Parliament Building. We will give the ribbon to people on a card when we invite them to take part in our "SOS Walk." The card will have a few lines about the SOS campaign. I have attached a file with an example of what it will look like and read. (Click here to download) By the way I wore the ribbon at work today and a lot of people asked me about it and I was able to clarify the truth to them.