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Radio France Internationale Broadcasts News of Tan Yongjie into Mainland China

Aug. 10, 2001


At 10 PM on August 6 (Paris time), Radio France Internationale (RFI), Chinese division, broadcast to Mainland China an interview with French Falun Gong practitioners during its news hour. The focus of this interview was on Tan Yongjie, a Falun Gong practitioner from Mainland China who had been severely burned with red-hot iron rods simply for refusing to relinquish his practice of Falun Gong.

After the interview, the reporters expressed their sympathy for the plight of Mr. Tan and other practitioners in Mainland China. The reporters pointed out that, from their perspective, the persecution has the following three characteristics. First, the persecutors must have had orders from above that no means would be too excessive. Otherwise, the police would not have taken actions that are even more brutal than those applied to the students during the democratic movement. Secondly, the use of the strategy of "instigating the people to turn in others." Once used during the Cultural Revolution, it is now being used again. The police and government officials at all levels are rewarded with personal gains for persecuting practitioners. Thus, everyone is encouraged to wrong practitioners. Thirdly, the oppressors consider Falun Gong practitioners (a group of people who practice "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance") as vulnerable. With no fear of "revenge" in the future, the police are more wanton in their punishment.