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Validating Dafa by Not Just Exposing the Evil But Revealing the Courage of Practitioners to People Around the World

Aug. 10, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 5, The Washington Post reported that the Chinese government is using systematic torture and heavy-handed brainwashing to persecute Falun Gong. The report covered the brutality and ferocity of the persecution quite comprehensively. But overall, we cannot say that this was a positive report. I believe that the negative tone in the report was caused by our own weakness in clarifying the truth and exposing the evil, and it was promptly taken advantage of by the evil forces. Although what we are faced with is truly evil, that alone is not able to convey the greatness of practitioners and the greatness of Fa. This article showed the magnitude of the evil by recounting how some practitioners were "converted" or forced to denounce Falun Gong after they were tortured. However, the report also reached the conclusion that "torture is breaking Falun Gong" because many practitioners were "converted" this way. The reporter wrote the entire article based on this underlying understanding.

This shows us the need for improvement in clarifying the truth and exposing the evil. I feel that while exposing the evil, we should call more attention to the validation of the Fa achieved by Dafa practitioners. We should not stop at showing the statistics such as how many people have been tortured to death, how many have been sentenced to jail or how many have been sent to mental hospitals. Kind-hearted people will sympathize upon reading the statistics, and governments will stand up to oppose the brutality out of respect for human rights. However, if the responses are only limited to that, then if later they learn that the practice is broken down by the persecution, these people may see Falun Gong as just another ordinary practice at everyday people's level. Only with the great validation of Dafa achieved by practitioners during huge tribulations can this sympathy be gradually turned into genuine respect.

During the period in history where Christians were brutally persecuted, the true saints established the faith through their courageous actions and indomitable spirits. They gained the respect of people around the world for thousands of years to come. When these true validations were recorded into history, the evil was clearly exposed as the condition under which the accomplishment took place, but not the main theme. We must be clear about this order of priorities.

We are living in a historic period of the universe. Practitioners' actions in validating the Fa are to be left for the universe of the future. What is being recorded in the human world is to be left for the human beings, and it will be their treasure. So this should be a high priority. We should let the people around the world see the evil through the great validation achieved by Dafa practitioners, and thus realize the greatness of the Fa. We should not expose the evil by only disclosing how viciously they have been torturing Dafa practitioners and forcing them to convert. In other words, we should not stop at just exposing the evil by putting the evil itself on display.