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Changchun Officials Involved in a Major Car Accident - Three Dead and One Injured

Aug. 13, 2001

Wang Jingfang, male, 45, was the deputy general secretary of the Chongqing Street Administrative Office in the city of Changchun. Sheng Lianping, male, 43, was the deputy general secretary of the Leshan Street Administrative Office. Zhao Qingyi, male, 38, was the head of the Yongchang Street Administrative Office. Meng Xianqi, male, 50, was the deputy chief of the Chaoyang District Organizational Department.

Since July 20, 1999, these four individuals have devoted most of their time to persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. On July 30, 2001 at around 1 PM, they rode together from Changchun to the city of Jilin to attend a training class organized by the Provincial [party name omitted] Party Labor Relation's Office. When they were at the 18th km marker of the Changchun Freeway, the driver lost control of the car. The car rolled over several times and was totaled. Three people died, and one was seriously injured.

Once again, we'd like to warn those who have been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners: stop committing these crimes immediately. Do not become sacrificial lambs for the "Human Rights Scoundrel" Jiang Zemin.