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Director of the Public Security Bureau in Hejian City, Hebei Province Receives Retribution

Aug. 5, 2001

(Clearwisdom Net) Under the evil directives of Jiang Zemin, the Public Security Bureau in Hejian city, Hebei province increased their persecution of innocent Falun Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners were sentenced to labor camps, some were illegally detained on several occasions, and some practitioners' families were torn apart, rendering them homeless. The thugs also extorted money from practitioners. According to incomplete statistics, the total amount has reached over ten thousand RMB.

On July 8, 2001, Su Songcai, Director of the Public Security Bureau of Hejian city, along with four people, went to Cangzhou to attend a meeting. When they went back past the Guanting area, they had a car accident. Su Songcai's ribs were broken and he injured his lung. His right leg was fractured and he lost consciousness. They had to transfer him to a hospital in Beijing because the hospital in Cangzhou made a mistake when diagnosing his injury. In this accident, the chief procurator was slightly wounded.

We sternly warn the immoral police: if you do not wake up from your evil behavior sooner, you will surely be punished according to the laws and principles of heaven!