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Latest News From China - 09/09/2001

Sept. 17, 2001


  1. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Siping Labor Camp Tries to Cover Up Murders By Transferring Practitioners to Liaoyuan
  2. [Guizhou Province] Send Forth Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the Evil Behind the Exhibition Slandering Dafa
  3. [Beijing] Police Arrest Practitioner Guan Zhisheng
  4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Wujiabao Labor Camp Officials Torture and Severely Injure a Dafa Practitioner
  5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Local Officials Persecute School Teacher Hu Huiqiu
  6. [Jimo City, Shandong Province] Two Cases of Persecution
  7. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] The Police Send Practitioners to Brainwashing Class
  8. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] A Suggestion for Local Practitioners to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts
  9. [Laixi City of Qingdao, Shandong Province] A Warning from Heaven: Rare Hailstorm Assails Laixi City
  10. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] An Immoral Figure in the Residential Office of Longhua Street, Longtan District


1. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Siping Labor Camp Tries to Cover Up Murders By Transferring Practitioners to Liaoyuan

According to sources, four practitioners were able to escape from the Siping Labor Camp by sending forth righteous thoughts. However, two of them were arrested again later. One was tortured to death, and the other is in critical condition. In order to cover up their heinous deeds, the labor camp officials hurriedly transferred practitioners who found out what happened to Liaoyuan.

More detailed information is yet to be known. We call upon practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

2. [Guizhou Province] Send Forth Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the Evil Behind the Exhibition Slandering Dafa

The exhibition slandering Dafa is now traveling to different cities. Let's send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil force behind it and stop such things from happening.

3. [Beijing] Police Arrest Practitioner Guan Zhisheng

To resist going to the brainwashing class, practitioner Guan Zhisheng was forced to leave home. In mid-August, when he went back home, the police immediately took him away, and his current whereabouts are unknown. It was reported that on the day that he was arrested, more than fifty policemen were involved in his arrest.

4. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Wujiabao Labor Camp Officials Torture and Severely Injure a Dafa Practitioner

Wujiabao Labor Camp officials have employed all kinds of methods in their attempt to force practitioners to give up Falun Dafa. They tied a 29 year-old male practitioner's hands and feet to a chair for such a long time that his tendons ruptured. The injuries were quite severe and still have not healed.

5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Local Officials Persecute School Teacher Hu Huiqiu

Practitioner Hu Huiqiu is a teacher in the Education Bureau of Changchun City. She wrote letters clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to the head of the Education Bureau, Sui Mang, and District Education Director of Chaoyang District, Li Zhongbin. These two people then cooperated with the local police department to harass and intimidate her. One afternoon in mid-August, the head of the Politics and Security Section of the police department branch Wang Huafeng, policeman Li Bin, and director of the Adult Training Office of the Education Bureau Kuang Yixing came to Hu Huiqiu's home, trying to take her away to "have a talk." Hu Huiqiu firmly refused to go with them. She then suddenly felt sick and vomited. Her body twitched violently, and she lost consciousness. After she regained consciousness, the fit struck again. In spite of this, the policemen left only after her husband came home.

At 6:30 am on August 23, a group of policemen from the Politics and Security Section of the Chaoyang District Police Department and Kuang Yixing from the Education Bureau went to Hu Huiqiu's home again, driving an unmarked van. They also had an ambulance vehicle come to Hu's place. The policemen surrounded her house, and they displayed a court order sentencing her to one year at a labor camp. They forced Hu's family members to open the door and carried her into the ambulance on a stretcher. They then sent her directly to Team Six of the Jilin Province Women's Labor Camp.

When her family went to see her a week later, they found her to be very weak. She received daily shots and intravenous treatments, but she did not know what kind of drugs they were injecting her with. Her situation is quite dangerous.

We call upon the attention of all the kind-hearted people in society. Please help stop the persecution.

1.Politics and Security Section in Chaoyang District:

Wang Huafeng (head of the Section), Li Bin (policeman)

Office Phone: 86-431-8521473


2. Chaoyang District Education Director:

Li Zhongbin

Office Address: No.45 Qianjin Street, Changchun City, Zip Code: 130012

Office Phone: 86-431-5109255 Bp: 86-127-1147411


3.Director of Cultural and Education Bureau in Chaoyang District:

Sui Mang

Office Phone: 86-431-5109248


4.Vice Party Secretary of Cultural and Education Bureau in Chaoyang District:

Zhang Chenhui

Office Phone: 86-431-5109246


5.Director of Adult Training Office in Chaoyang District:

Kuang Yixing,

Phone: 86-431-5102037


6.Phone of Jilin Province Women's Labor Camp:

86-431-5384318 Ext. Team Six

6. [Jimo City, Shandong Province] Two Cases of Persecution

Practitioner He Lifang has been forced to flee from his home. He was arrested in July and severely beaten by the policemen in the detention center, losing consciousness several times. They splashed water on him to rouse him, and then beat him some more. As a result, He Lifang has gone into a comatose state, unable to wake up, eat or drink. Afraid to take responsibility, the police sent He Lifang home under his parents' care. The local government sent people to keep an eye on him everyday. Thirteen days after his release, He was found to be missing. On that day his father went out for a walk, and when he returned, he found that his son had disappeared. He asked the neighbors, but no one had any information of his whereabouts. He Lifang's current whereabouts are unknown.

Practitioner Yin Yongju was sentenced to three years in labor camp. He has over 10,000 Yuan deposited in the Qiaojiatun Bank. When his son went there to withdraw money for his wedding, bank officials said, "Because your parents practice Falun Gong, we won't let you withdraw the money unless you have approval from Huashan (the local government)." What shameless method Jiang Zemin has adopted in the persecution of Falun Gong. It makes each of us ashamed to be Chinese.

7. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] The Police Send Practitioners to Brainwashing Class

In the afternoon of September 5, more than ten practitioners, including Chen Xiaodong, Shi Jianli, Zheng Liying, Bian Xiaoyun, and Wang Yanchun were arrested without any proper documents. They were sent to detention centers and forced to receive brainwashing. Afterwards they were taken to the security squad, where the policemen immediately handcuffed and tortured them. Some practitioners were arrested on their way home from work, while others were simply at home. After arresting the practitioners, the police searched their homes. Currently, there are still two policemen waiting at practitioner Fan Guiyun's door, saying that they will arrest her as soon as she is seen.

8. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] A Suggestion for Local Practitioners to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts

According to reliable sources, a group of practitioners, including Xu Xiangdong, will be sentenced to jail before October 1, National Day. We suggest that all the practitioners in Daqing City pass on the message and send forth righteous thoughts, in order to completely eliminate all the arrangements, plans, and plots of persecution brought about by the old evil forces. We hope that all the practitioners can keep doing this until all the arrangements made by the old evil forces have been eliminated.

9. [Laixi City of Qingdao, Shandong Province] A Warning from Heaven: Rare Hailstorm Assails Laixi City

On August 24, Laixi City was attacked by a rare hailstorm, causing great damage to the crops. According to some sources, the hail lasted from about 2:20 pm to 2:45 pm on August 24. The largest piece of hail had a diameter of one inch. The hailstorm was accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains. 265 villages within the city limits were affected, and the population affected was 123,000, 87,000 of them victims of heavy damage. 523 structures were damaged. The total loss is estimated to be 161.33 million Yuan. (Approximately 18 million dollars. These figures where taken from Laixi Daily)

10. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] An Immoral Figure in the Residential Office of Longhua Street, Longtan District

Guo Zhichao in the Residential Office of Longhua Street, Longtan District is an immoral person with disreputable conduct. Ever since Jiang Zemin started the persecution of Falun Gong, he has been actively cooperating with the 610 Office in its persecution of Dafa and Dafa practitioners. He goes out of his way to please higher authorities, keeps a close eye on practitioners, and routinely curses Dafa, Teacher, and practitioners. He often submits a list of practitioners to the higher authorities and strongly advocates sending them to labor camps. Once he said, " I think Jiang Zemin is too kind to them. If I were in power, I would execute all the practitioners with machine guns. Let's see whether anyone dares to appeal then".