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Facts About Changlinzi Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Torturing Male Dafa Practitioners

Sept. 17, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net)Harbin City's Changlinzi Labor Camp has employed fiendish methods to torture male practitioners. The labor camp forces practitioners to do intense, heavy labor, from six or seven o'clock in the morning until around midnight every day. They have also carried out punishment in the form similar to military training for several hours around noon in swelteringly hot weather. Although practitioners have been worked so hard they are completely physically exhausted, the food they are given every day is of very poor quality. Only when the higher authorities came to check did the labor camp give practitioners dumplings for one meal in order to cover up their mistreatment.

Practitioners here are monitored by the prisoners and are not allowed to talk with each other; otherwise the prisoners' term will be prolonged. In addition, the guards physically abuse practitioners. For example, practitioner Dong Xiwu was forced to keep standing from morning to 1:00 am the next morning, until his whole body had spasms and he was vomiting white foam.

Facing all these unjust treatments, practitioners have, in a calm and rational manner, requested that the labor camp solve the problems. However, in response to the practitioners' request, the labor camp would not provide them with sufficient food nor allow them to go to the toilet. Practitioners firmly refused to cooperate with the evil and started a hunger strike on May 24.

In response, the labor camp tortured practitioners more cruelly. The No. 4 team was the dark den where the head of the camp whose family name was Shi was conducting outrages. They would tie practitioners to iron chairs and forcibly feed them; three people would hold the practitioner's head, and forcefully insert a tube as thick as ones little finger into the nose. Since there were large amounts of salt in the food, practitioners would vomit nearly everything they had been forcibly fed. This was just how Kong Xiaohai (Kong Deyi) was tortured to death. Shi also put very determined practitioners such as Peng Zhihe into small cells, made them wear shackles all the time, and even yelled inhumanly, "Only when you've been tormented until you're done for will I remove the shackles." There were three vicious policemen in No. 4 team whose last names were all Wang and some criminal inmates who helped the tyrant to do this evil. They beat practitioners like Ren Shanzhu and Zhang Jiasheng many times with rubber sticks. Some practitioners' teeth were knocked out and some could not stand up.

Now, the ruffian Shi, the head of the camp, has received retribution: each time after he tortured practitioners, his face would very obviously turn pale, then he later became very thin and he had to take IV injections for a few days.

We seriously condemn the demons at the Changlinzi Labor Camp: Stop the brutalities immediately! Otherwise, you will receive intolerable justice! Good will be rewarded with good and evil will meet with evil!