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Lawless People Extort Money From Falun Dafa Practitioners

Sept. 17, 2001 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, vicious thugs in Qian'an County of Jilin Province have been arresting Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. They immediately arrest anyone who says, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner," and put him into the detention center. Unless family members choose to pay a large sum of money, they inhumanly beat anyone in the detention center. Because they were poor and had no money, practitioners from the countryside were the most severely beaten. Before they would be sentenced to forced labor "reeducation," they would usually be beaten black and blue.

Zhou Gui, the former director of the Public Security Bureau, had once clamored for "'pulling the weeds and digging up the roots' [a term meaning exterminating] of Falun Gong in Qian'an county." In only one year, they have illegally sent nearly 70 practitioners to labor camps and extorted several hundred thousand Yuan RMB from Falun Gong practitioners. Some of them have even collected money in secret. Last January, Zhou Gui sent people to arrest Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun city. Consequently, Yin Lizhu, a 23 year-old university student, was sentenced to five years in jail for no reason, and is still illegally kept in the detention center.

Zhang Lifeng from the Law & Policy Section brutally beat practitioners with his fists and wooden sticks, and wearing leather shoes, stamped furiously on practitioners' toes and fingers. Only by paying him money could one avoid being beaten up. In addition, he called practitioners' family members for money. He threatened the practitioners not to tell others about his illegal collection of money. In just one year, Zhang Lifeng established a two-story auto parts company using the money he collected from practitioners. In China, an employee in a police department is not paid well enough to be able to set up such a nice building. He extorted the money.

Zhao Yanhai from the Political Security Section sometimes violently beats practitioners when he cannot collect any money, and sometimes goes to practitioners' homes alone in order to extort money.

The present director of the Public Security Bureau, Liu Yongde, is insatiably greedy. Being in this position for only two months, he has already collected: from Hua X, 7,000 Yuan; from He X, 50,000 Yuan; from Li X, 10,000 Yuan; plus all that he has extorted in private. He has focused on arresting wealthy practitioners. If practitioners want to be released from labor camps or detention centers, they are told to give money to the greedy cadres at all levels from the upper to the lower in the local government. The vicious thugs in Qian'an County all have the evil intention of making a fortune from Falun Gong practitioners. They have extended their greedy hands out to the innocent and good people and caused numerous families to lose their family savings and become bankrupt!

However, it is a heavenly principle that good or bad will have its due reward. Yuan Ye, from the Political Security Section, persecuted Falun Gong practitioners since the first day of the official persecution, on July 22, 1999. He arrested and beat practitioners and cursed and slandered Dafa. In the summer of 2000, his son was seriously injured in an accident and almost became permanently in a coma.

The few vile people in the Chinese government spare no effort in defaming Teacher Li Hongzhi and persecuting Dafa by telling lies with propaganda. The so-called luxurious residential home and the charge of extorting money were stories that were just made up. In fact, it is Jiang Zemin and the vicious thugs following him who are extorting money from the people.