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Latest News From China - 09/06/2001

Sept. 18, 2001



[Gansu Province] Dafa Manifests Its Power Again

Recently, Dafa materials can be seen everywhere, in most residential areas, and in many cities in Gansu province. The evil desperately arrests Dafa disciples. They issue wanted circulars and set up checkpoints for interrogation.

[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Disciples Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Together to Eradicate the Effects of the Brainwashing Class

Dafa disciples in Chaoyang City of Liaoning province sent forth righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil and to remove the effects of a brainwashing class.

Consequently, the local brainwashing class that was scheduled to begin on July 30th was not held.

[Taiwan] What a Taiwan Tourist Saw and Heard at Tiananmen Square

My good friend (not a practitioner) came back from a six-day trip to Beijing. He stayed near Tiananmen Square for a few days. He told me that it was always in a state of martial law, with police and plainclothes investigators all over the Square. Tourists had to be very careful in talking with each other. Whenever a political issue was raised, a plain-clothes agent was bound to emerge suddenly to correct or remind you. He was driven out of the Square one evening when he stayed there past 10 o'clock in the evening.

The local tourist guide said that whoever dared to say "Falun Gong" would be rounded up immediately.

On buses, programs slandering Falun Dafa were repeatedly broadcast. Before the local tourist guide introduced the historic sites in Beijing, he (she) would first defile Falun Gong. My friend and the other tourists couldn't bear it, feeling that they were suffering from spiritual persecution and harassment. He said it was not hard to imagine what situation Dafa disciples in Beijing were in.

[Jinchang City, Gansu Province] The Righteous Thoughts of Dafa Disciples

I'm a practitioner in Jinchang city of Gansu province. I was illegally detained from January 2nd to the end of March this year. During the detention, I went on hunger strike three times and was force fed once and received IV infusion twice. On midnight of June 21st, the local police thoroughly searched my home for no reason. They kept me handcuffed overnight. On July 18th, they came to harass me twice, but I didn't open the door for them. Instead, I said to the police solemnly, "Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be met with evil." On July 27th, they searched my place again. They sent me to a detention center without any legal procedures. Four days later, I refused to sign their notes and detention warrant. I sternly warned them that they would suffer retribution for illegally detaining good people. On the 7th day, I recalled what Teacher said in "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful" that, "...face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times. No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates." After the 8th day, I began a hunger strike to protest against my illegal detention. The 4th day after my hunger strike began, the police started to force feed me. Within two days, they had employed all possible means. As a result, my nose and face were swollen, the flesh of my cheek was raw, four of my teeth were loose, and both my arms were bruised and swollen. Even so, they couldn't successfully feed me. They threatened to insert a pipe into my mouth to feed me, but couldn't make me yield even a little.

On the 6th day of my hunger strike, instructed by the director of the Public Security Bureau, six people pressed me down on the floor and tried to force feed me. Keeping in mind that I am a Dafa particle, I said to the vicious thugs, "How could you treat a weak girl in this way. Do not do any bad deeds, but do good deeds and accumulate some virtue for yourselves. As a Falun Gong practitioner, I'm not lacking any material things. My hunger strike is to show my protest against your illegal behavior. You should release me without condition. Otherwise, I'll go on hunger strike until the end."

At noon of the 8th day of my hunger strike, they released me unconditionally. Three days after my release, my work unit sent me to the police sub-station with the excuse that I didn't live at school. I was handcuffed and watched over by five people until 2am. When there was nobody around, I thought, "Teacher, I can't stay here. I must leave this place. Please help me!" I tried to remove the handcuffs, but my hands were too big and the handcuffs were too small. I therefore thought in my mind, " Only if my hands were smaller." At that moment, I felt my thumb shrink a bit and gradually the handcuff came off. I went out of the police station nobly.

[Hefei City, Anhui Province] Several Practitioners from the China Scientific Technology University Are Arrested

On August 22, several Dafa practitioners were illegally detained:

Zhao Gang (Grade 99 PhD candidate on the Faculty of Chemical Physics at the China Scientific Technology University)

Xue Ting (Grade 99 PhD candidate on the Faculty of Earth Physics at the China Scientific Technology University) and his wife Gao Xiaoxin

Li Chuanfeng, Ph.D., a teacher on the Faculty of Physics at the university

Li Guofeng, a graduate student

Police of Hefei City added another incident to their criminal record.

[Tianjin City] A Righteous Candidate Refuses a Job at a University Because It Opposes Falun Dafa

A person was going to work at a famous university of engineering in Tianjin. However the primary condition for the university to hire him was that he not practice Falun Gong and not be involved in any Falun Gong activities. This person was bothered by this requirement, saying, "Such a university is too dogmatic!" His classmate also said, "It is indeed too dogmatic! Don't go there!" Therefore this person refused to write any materials to meet with the evil requirements, and cancelled his plan to go to work there. He has created a bright future for himself. After hearing this, I have a deep feeling: People are waking up. Lies and coercion cannot eliminate people's consciousness.

[Hebei Province] Hebei Industry Mechanics College Persecutes Dafa Practitioners

Since the "4.25 Incident" [the incident in which over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners went to Zhongnanhai, headquarter of the Chinese central government, to peacefully appeal], the leaders of Hebei Industry Mechanics College have talked with the teachers and students who practice Falun Gong many times, warning them against practicing. After the "7.20 Incident", they assisted the police in forcing the practitioners to give up cultivation based on "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." During holidays, they did not allow practitioners to go home unless they wrote "guarantee letters."

If a practitioner goes back to his hometown, he will be asked to make long distance calls to check in and report on his thoughts and actions. After the police sent some practitioners to labor camps for "reeducation," the college not only refused to protect their safety and reputations but also assisted in their persecution.

Guan Yuming, Party Secretary of the college, telephone: 86-22-26564346

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners are Abducted For Clarifying the Truth to People

Police in Dalian City arrested two practitioners, Wang Hongwei and Cao Deyong, on August 21 because they clarified the truth to people. It is said that they are detained in the Dalian Police Department Xigang police station.

[Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] Chen Tingwei was Abducted Because He Released a Statement Declaring his Previous "Guarantee Letters" Invalid

Hangzhou practitioner Chen Tingwei was sent to a labor camp in January 2000, because he persisted in practicing Falun Gong. However in the detention center he was not be able to bear the torture, so he wrote the "guarantee letters" against his will. He was released in October. Later he read Teacher's lectures and realized his mistake. Therefore, he submitted a letter to the police station declaring the letters he wrote previously were not in accordance with Dafa and therefore all invalid. Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa. He was determined to persist in practicing Dafa to the end. As a result, he was abducted on Huangshan Mountain in July 2001 and his whereabouts are unknown.