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Police in Mengyin County, Shandong Province Have Been Rampantly Arresting Dafa Practitioners Since June of 2001

Sept. 18, 2001 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Two evil thugs in Mengyin County -- Li Zhiye (Party Secretary of Politics & Juridical Department) and Lei Yancheng (Deputy Party Secretary of Politics & Juridical Department) -- are leading figures in the local "610" Office [an office specializing in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners; "610" refers to June 10th, 1999, when this office was set up]. The two thugs have followed the instructions of Jiang Zemin's criminal regime closely and committed many heinous crimes.

Since June 2001, by stalking practitioners outside of their houses, tailing them, kidnapping and deceiving practitioners, they rampantly arrested many practitioners and carried out another round of inhuman persecution throughout the whole county. Dozens of practitioners were forcibly sent to brainwashing classes, jails, and detention centers, while many others were forced to become homeless to escape from the persecution. As those malicious people implemented a vicious closed-door administration, not allowing visits to practitioners in jail and strictly blocking all sources of information, we were unable to determine either how many practitioners have been detained and sent to forced labor "reeducation" or the whereabouts of these practitioners.

As far as we know, the practitioners that have been illegally detained are as follows:

Wang Tao, male, is now homeless and on the streets. A traitor betrayed him in late March 2001. Neither his family nor fellow practitioners know about his current situation.

Li Guangchen, male, was homeless and on the streets. In early July 2001, the evil police forcibly took him away when he was delivering truth-clarifying literature to a fellow practitioner. His motorcycle was also confiscated. Presently there is news from the brainwashing class that he has fallen ill, but no further details are available.

Song Bingfa, male, was homeless and on the streets. In mid June 2001, he was arrested while going out. He is now illegally detained in a brainwashing class.

Liu Naizhi was homeless and on the streets. At the end of June 2001 he (or she) was arrested at a fellow practitioner's house. He (or she) is now illegally detained in a brainwashing class.

Wang Guangjian, male, was homeless and on the streets. In mid July 2001, upon returning home, the evil policemen waited outside his home and arrested him. He is now illegally detained in a detention center.

Wang Fubao, male, was homeless. In early June 2001, he was forcibly detained because the assailants ransacked his house and found many Dafa truth-clarifying literature. He is now illegally detained in a brainwashing class.

Zhang Chengfa, male, was kidnapped off the streets by evil policemen in mid July 2001. The location at which he is detained is unknown.

Ji Yongxian, male, was kidnapped and taken away from his home by the evil policemen in early June 2001.

Zhao Zungang, male, was illegally detained in a brainwashing class in June 2001.

Hui Zenghua was illegally detained in June 2001, and has been released.

Hu Changping, male, was kidnapped and taken away from his house in June 2001. There is no news about his whereabouts or whether he is even still alive.

Duan Conghai, male, was kidnapped and taken away from his workplace by the assailants on June 8, 2001. He is now illegally detained in the county detention center. On the third day that he had been detained, his wife (Luu Hui) went to visit him and was forcibly taken away. Her whereabouts are unknown. Their four-year-old little daughter was left at home alone with no one to take care of her.

Zhang Mingfa, male, was kidnapped and taken to a brainwashing class in June 2001. Details about his current situation are unknown.

Luu Dianyi was illegally kidnapped and taken to brainwashing classes in April 2001 and was released in July 2001.

As far as we know, the local "610" office headed by Li Zhiye, has employed a gang of jobless persons and ruffians to specialize in brutally beating up Dafa practitioners. Li Zhiye and Lei Yancheng often lead this gang of assailants to break into the rooms where the practitioners were detained late at night to demand to know whether they would continue practicing Falun Gong. If the practitioner replied that he (or she) would persist or if they refused to cooperate, the thugs would beat them up with batons. Bruises all over the body were considered to be minor wounds, while a more severe result would be to be beaten unconscious.

Office telephone number of the County Party Secretary: 011-86-539--4272011

Office telephone number of the County Party Secretary of Politics and Juridical Department (Li Zhiye's office): 011-86-539--4272923

Office telephone number of the County Politics and Juridical Department: 011-86-539-4271456

Home telephone number of Lei Yancheng, Deputy Secretary of County Politics and Juridical Department: 011-86-539-4272116

We are giving a stern warning to all those evil assailants to immediately stop the persecution of Dafa practitioners and release all the practitioners who have been illegally detained. Otherwise, you will receive immediate retribution in this lifetime.

We hope that all practitioners in Mengyin Country will regard the Fa as Teacher and send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and prevent the evil assailants from persecuting Dafa and practitioners without scruple.