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Stories of Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Sept. 18, 2001


Righteous thoughts are powerful

One Sunday morning, two plainclothes policemen caught me when I was posting Dafa flyers in residential buildings. They yelled to me ferociously, "Hey! What are you doing? Do you know that you can be jailed for three years for this? Get into the car!"

I did not have any fear at all, and said, "I am saving people. Don't you still have some conscience?" The old plainclothes policeman looked at me and said nothing. But the young one did not give up. He still grabbed my hand and said fiercely, "I am telling you that you can be jailed for three years for what you did." I am a Dafa disciple, open and above board, and so I would not follow the arrangements made by the vicious policemen. So I warned him again, "Do you know what time it is now? If you continue to arrest Dafa disciples, aren't you afraid of receiving retribution? I am doing the most righteous thing." That policeman still grabbed me by the hand and said, "Tell me, how many have you posted? Do you have more?"

I wouldn't listen to his arrangement and said, "I have posted flyers on these walls. Please feel free to go and have a look." Onlookers started to gather around us, but I did not pay attention to them. I then began to recite the verse "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated." More and more onlookers came pretty soon, and the plainclothes policemen did not know what to do. They tried to hide their fear they had in front of the onlookers, then left as if nothing had happened.

I took out the rest of the Dafa materials I had, finished posting them, and left in an open and dignified manner.


Stepping forward to validate the Fa

Recently, two Dafa disciples were reported to the police when they were distributing Dafa materials in residential buildings. The police came, arrested them and took them to a police station. One Dafa disciple continuously sent forth righteous thoughts, thinking of escaping in order to continue to validate the Fa. When being interrogated, this disciple did not follow the vicious demands of the policeman, but clarified the truth for him with patience and told him that good would be rewarded with good and evil would be met with evil. The policeman began to relax.

Since it was difficult to continue the interrogation, the policeman went to another room. The disciple followed him, but the policeman said, "You cannot come in here. You need to get back." The disciple returned to the previous room, thinking, "He asked me to get back, so I can go home now." That disciple thus went out from another door in an open and above board manner. With nobody interrupting him, the disciple walked out, took a taxi and left.