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Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners by Jilin City Labor Camp in Jilin Province

Sept. 18, 2001 |   By a practitioner in China

March 10, 2001



1. Around 2:30pm on March 9, 2001, when my illegal term of labor "re-education" expired, without my knowledge, Squadron No.1 of Division No.3 of the labor camp extended the term for no apparent reason. When I talked with chief Xu of squadron No.1, the education section chief Liu Xun of the labor camp shouted profanities at me in front of several policemen and two other practitioners, and kicked me in the leg, violating the law knowingly. Wang Jide, guard Huang, squadron chief Xu, guard Liu Tao and two other practitioners witnessed the incident.

2. Dafa practitioner Wu Longbo is from Jilin City. He was illegally sentenced to labor camp because of his determination in practicing Dafa. He was sent to the Jilin Labor Camp on October 16, 1999. After his one-year term was finished, his term was immediately extended by three months due to his resolve to continue practicing Dafa. On February 21, 2001 he was informed of an additional extension of 6 months. On that day, Wu Longbo and 20 other practitioners began a hunger strike to request a talk with the officials of the labor camp and to request the release of practitioners who had finished their terms as well as all other practitioners.

That evening seven practitioners talked with the officials of the camp, but the problem was not settled. Hunger strikes continued. The following day Wu Longbo, Jiang Yihong, Xu Guijun, Tian Fusen, and Sun Tiesheng were brought into the education room one by one. Education section chief Liu Xun, administration section chief Zhao, and many other policemen used various types of electric batons to beat these five practitioners. Practitioner Wu Longbo was beaten with several electric batons by labor camp officials, chief of Division No. 4 Zhang, Division chief Zhao, squadron chief Yu, squadron chief Pi and several other policemen. They shocked him inside his mouth with an electric baton, causing severe shock and damage to his brain. When they were brought back, Wu Longbo showed symptoms of slowed responses, blurred vision and was unable to speak. Two days later he wet the bed, and was sent to Jilin City Mental Hospital for treatment. After four days he was out of the hospital, but still had symptoms of slowed response, dullness, and slow movement. He suffered obvious mental and physical damage due to the cruel torture and is now unable to take care of himself.

Practitioners Sun Jianhua, Xu Guijun and several other practitioners were also repeatedly beaten with electric batons. The electric shocks left severe burns all over Xu Guijun's neck and face.