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The Criminals Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

Sept. 20, 2001

(1) Liu Dianchi (the Deputy Secretary of the Zhuhai Administration Authority) and Zhang Zongfa (the Secretary of Political & Legal Affairs) routinely ordered their subordinates to cruelly torture, forcibly brainwash and fine Falun Gong practitioners in their jurisdiction. They claimed that the struggle against Falun Gong is fighting a national enemy and they vowed to render Falun Gong practitioners "disreputable, bankrupt and dead."

(2) Liu XX (the Deputy Secretary of Political and Legal Affairs) and Liu Yongming (the Director of Family Planning Committee) were the chief criminals who led more than 30 thugs to torture 9 Dafa practitioners in January 2000. Despite the fact that practitioners had been on a hunger strike for 6 days, they forced practitioners to stand in water 10 centimeters deep for 6 days and nights. In addition, they did not allow practitioners to sleep or lean against the wall. One female practitioner was menstruating. Unable to bear the torture, she passed out and fell in the water. They pulled her out and asked her if she still intended to continue practicing Falun Dafa. Following her affirmative reply, they pushed her back into the water. Whenever the officials were drunk, they poured wine into male practitioners' mouths and beat the female practitioners. A few days later, the practitioners' legs were so swollen that they could hardly squat down; their feet were so swollen they couldn't put on shoes.

(3) Zhang Hongtu and Wang Yuwei are staff members of Zhuhai Administration Authority. Once they beat a practitioner who refused to give up cultivation so hard that the practitioner's mouth was swollen and bled profusely. Then they kicked his chest until he was out of breath. Finally, the evil guys threw him to the cement floor and left. In addition, they used a variety of means to torment practitioners, such as forcing practitioners to squat in a fixed position motionlessly for a long time and filling practitioners' mouths with water from a hose attached to a faucet.

(4) Zhuang Huaidou, Wang Keyi, Dong Qiqiang and Xue Jinkui are the vicious policemen in the Zhushan Police Station who tortured practitioners. They once beat a female practitioner until she became incontinent of urine, and disfigured another practitioner's face. Like burglars, they sneaked into practitioners' houses without the presence of the landlord. Xue once tried to arrest a practitioner but failed to find him. He then walked off with 20 yuan out of 35 the practitioner left on the table for his child. Another time he kicked open a thick anti-burglar door of a practitioner's dwelling, shocking the residences of the whole building. People privately commented, "The policemen nowadays are even worse than gangsters."

(5) Zhang Jielu is the head of Zhuhai Police Station. He frequently detained and beat practitioners. Because a practitioner reported Zhang's brutality to his superiors, the practitioner was illegally taken to the police station and beaten. Zhang angrily tortured the practitioner, and then falsified the interrogation record. When the practitioner pointed this out, he beat the practitioner again.