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Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp Is A Living Hell

Sept. 20, 2001

(Clearwidsom.net) On November 23, 2000, I was illegally detained in Huadian City's Custodial Center for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying literature. On January 12, 2001, I was transferred to Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp. They immediately started to force me to give up my practice of Falun Gong on the day I was sent there. Because I refused to accept those evil thoughts, I had been deprived of the right to sleep for as long as 38 days. After chief Zhang from Unit No. 4 shocked me with an electric baton for several days, I suddenly fainted on the floor in a bathroom. Medical examination showed that the long-time deprivation of sleep caused me to suffer from heart muscle fatigue, irregular heartbeat, and other conditions.

Because I firmly believed in Dafa [law and principle of the universe] and refused to give up cultivation, the labor camp forced me to work. Besides, those traitors [ who gave up cultivation and help the labor camp in brainwashing practitioners] tried day and night to brainwash me. As I refused to compromise with the evil, my detention term was prolonged for an additional 80 days after I had already been detained there for 70 days.

A policy of "Help, Educate, and Transform [to brainwash]" was clearly stated on the wall of the labor camp dormitory building. But in fact, those guards have never followed this policy. Besides eighteen to nineteen hours of the heavy forced labor each day, they tortured and abused the practitioners with a variety of vicious means, including violence, unendurable and intensive heavy manual labor, deprivation of sleep, shocking with electric batons, etc.

On March 15, a "Help-Education" group [organized by the government to brainwash the practitioners] and some government officials came for inspection. Over twenty people were detained in each room. The detainees usually could sit on the bottom level of the bunk bed or on the stools to work. However, on that day, no one was allowed to sit on the bed and everyone had to work sitting on the floor. When there was not enough room on the floor, some detainees had to sit under the table to do their work, which prevented them from straightening their backs for the whole day.

The so-called "rice" that we were usually offered was actually blackened, [moldy] and the "dish" was simply soybean soup, which gave many people heartburn. However, when the inspection group came on March 15, we were served a meal of snow-white rice, stewed meat with pickled vegetable, together with boiled peanuts. All these were arranged to give the inspection teams a false impression.

On March 8, Women's Day, all the others could watch performances and enjoy entertainment. But the determined practitioners who were forced to work inside the room under the watchful eyes of those traitors were not even allowed to freely talk with each other.

One day during work, practitioner Ma Lan rested for less than half a minute, tired from working eighteen to nineteen hours each day. The wicked guard, Wang Jing, came in and asked loudly, "What has happened to her?" A practitioner in the room replied, "She is exhausted." Wang said sternly, " Why is only she exhausted while others are not? Get up and go on with your work!" Ma had no choice but to struggle to get up to work.

The daily necessities and food in Heizuizi Labor Camp cost more than twice as much as on the outside. Visiting family members were not allowed to bring in any fruit and food. A detainee had to buy food from the labor camp, where the things were astonishingly expensive.

The determined practitioners were deprived of all their human rights. Those in Unit No. 4 were not allowed to speak, or to stay together when they had meals or went to the toilets. They were also under watch during their sleep by people staying at each side and their families were not allowed to visit them. All the hardest work had to be done by determined practitioners. Determined practitioners in Unit No. 3 had boards hung around their necks with slogans that slander Dafa. The vicious police officer, Lang Cuiping, sealed practitioner Qu Shunyun's (from Unit No.2) mouth with tape because Qu mentioned "Falun Dafa is good" to someone. At mealtime lead prisoner Liu Xiaoyun would tear off the tape and then seal her mouth again after the meal.

On the morning of the eighth day after the Chinese Lunar New Year, practitioner Bao Shuqin in Unit No. 4 was not allowed to see her visiting family members because she would not give up cultivation. What's more, she was beaten, kicked, and shocked with electric batons by three evil chiefs, Zhang, Li, and Guan. At 11:00 am she was called into the office again and asked if she would give up Falun Dafa. Bao still held her righteous belief in Dafa. She was then tortured again with beating, kicking and shocking with electric batons. The torture twice in one morning made her cry uncontrollably and she was unable to have lunch that day.

On the morning of the Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve, the lead prisoner in Unit No. 4 reported practitioner Wu Xiuqin to the guard, just because she intended to tell people why she firmly believed in Dafa. The chief, Guan and guard, Feng, a leader of the sub-team No. 3, brought her to the office, beat her viciously and shocked her with electric batons.

There were few places for the detainees to take a shower. They had to wait a long time. Furthermore, they had to hurry up and take no more than 20 minutes for the shower. The shower was in a room where the lavatory and dishwashing area were all together. They could only have cold water for their shower, even in winter. Similarly, they also had to wait a long time to wash their clothes. When someone outside the labor camp came to inspect, they had to create a false impression that the place was clean and tidy.

Those interviewed by a TV station were always the traitors. Those who clarify the truth and are determined in cultivating Dafa have never been interviewed and have been deprived of all their human rights. The labor camp looks like a warm place, but is very dark in essence. Both the determined practitioners and those who were forced to give up Falun Dafa all faced various means of torture including beating, cursing, and electrifying. After the crimes were exposed, these criminals no longer dare to be as evil as before. Changchun City's Heizuizi Labor Camp is indeed a living hell.