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The Effects Of Righteous Minds

Sept. 20, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net) During one day in August in Chongqing City, Sichuan Province, a few policemen visited the house of a Falun Dafa practitioner. They had cunningly made up the excuse that they wished to inquire about some issues with the young practitioner (They claimed that this had nothing to do with Falun Gong). This lie enabled the police to trick the practitioner into going to the police station.

A few days passed, yet the parents, who were also Falun Dafa practitioners, did not receive any news from their son. They soon realized that their son was being subjected to the evil persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners. They could not passively tolerate this persecution and therefore, they went to the local police station and Security Bureau to inquire about the whereabouts of their son. However, all of the policemen ignored them by claiming that they did not know anything about their son. The two practitioners then enlightened that they should expose this evil act, and enable everyone to clearly see the true nature of the wicked police. Thus, they courageously practiced the exercises in front of the Security Bureau and displayed a poster, which demanded the release of their son at the front door of the security office. Under the view of the public, the hypocritical and crafty policemen were shocked by this magnificent act and did not dare to take any action.

Later, the two practitioners went back home. The police thought that this would be a good opportunity to arrest these two practitioners and therefore they sent over ten policemen to their house. The two practitioners firmly refused to co-operate with the vicious policemen and so the policemen began to pry their door open. The two practitioners took this opportunity to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and the evil nature of the policemen sent to persecute them to the onlookers. At the same time they sent out righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

Upon hearing about this incident, many practitioners came to join them to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. Although the vicious policemen mangled the security door, they failed to open it.

This caused the policemen to become furious and so they rushed back to the police station in order to obtain a warrant for their arrest. But, during this time, the two practitioners quickly packed some belongings and left home to join the powerful current of Fa rectification.