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Photo Report: SOS! Global RescueWalk from London to Brussels:

Sept. 20, 2001

On the morning of September 8, practitioners participating the Global RescueWalk from London to Brussels reached the French city of Dunkerque. The city's international relationship representative and reporters of La Voix du Nord welcomed them in front of the city hall.

Accepting an interview in CalaisHongfa to media and Assistant to Calais' MayorPress conference in front of the city hall
On the way from Calais to DunkerqueHongfa to media and Dunkerque City Council officialsPreparing for next city

On September 9, the practitioners arrived at the Grand Place of Lille, the capital of Nord Province, where they received a warm welcome from more than 60 practitioners from Paris. It was also the Liberation Day of Lille and the city held a big ceremony. Many citizens got an opportunity to learn about Falun Dafa. Over 5000 flyers were distributed. Paris practitioners hired a tour bus in order to join the ceremony, and a double-rainbow accompanied them all the way there.

Morning practice in the Grand Place of LilleThe Fa rectifies the cosmos

Clarifying the truth in the Grand Place of Lille

On the morning of September 10, they held a press conference in front of the Lille City Hall and then continued on their journey. Their next stop will be Belgium. A western practitioner from Paris joined them. Practitioners from Belgium will also join them and continue the leg of the journey in Belgium.

The walkers from England and Guadeloupe
The big familyThe tour bus decorated with Dafa bannersThe double-rainbow on the way home