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Beginning of the "Rescue Our Family Members and Get Them Home" Road Trip Across North America

Oct. 20, 2002 |   By Ji Nan

(Clearwisdom.net) North America will soon witness the launch of a car parade with the theme, "Rescue Our Family Members and Get Them Home." This effort is undertaken by North America Falun Gong practitioners and members of a global Family Rescue Organization to help their incarcerated Chinese relatives in China.

This event is staged to assist the U.S Government and the media to realize Jiang Zemin regime's sanctioned, brutal persecution against Falun Gong and call for their help to rescue detained family members - Falun Gong practitioners in China. Four groups of practitioners will start from Toronto, San Francisco, Atlanta and Washington D.C. and meet on October 21 in Waco City, Texas.

The "International Rescue Group" from Toronto will pass through Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and other cities in central U.S. The group from San Francisco will pass through Los Angeles, Phoenix City and arrive in the State of Texas by traveling through the Southwestern U.S. Atlanta practitioners will pass through Birmingham, Jackson and arrive in Texas through the Eastern U.S. These groups will travel several thousand miles and cover major U.S cities en route. The Washington, D.C. group will hold a press conference in Washington D.C. The Washington D.C. group will call for help to rescue their family members to different levels of the governments en route and the governments in Texas.

Every group will have relatives of Falun Dafa practitioners who are suffering the persecution in China. Besides these U.S residents, family members from other places, such as Australia, Netherlands and Canada, who have relatives (Dafa practitioners) being persecuted in China for their belief in Falun Dafa. Along the route, the rescue groups will petition U.S. Government officials on the federal, state and local level, as well as Congressmen and the local media. They will expose Jiang group's brutal persecution against Falun Gong, giving as examples their own family members' first-hand experience of inhuman torture. They will petition for the government's support, to become a voice for justice, so their family members might be released as soon as possible. They also hope to help the more than 100,000 additional Falun Gong practitioners who have been and are still being detained in forced labor camps, prisons and mental institutions, to be released as soon as possible.

It is by now public knowledge that President Bush will hold a talk with Jiang Zemin, China's head of state. These "rescue groups" urgently plead with President Bush to use this meeting to directly address the issue of Falun Gong and help the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners to return home as soon as possible.

According to a report by the global rescue family organization, over 70 residents from 16 countries have over 80 family members being illegally detained or under 24-hour watch. In the U.S alone it has been verified that 25 U.S. residents have 31 family members in China suffering persecution. More facts are still being collected.

The overseas rescue activity has been effective so far. Canadian practitioners' active efforts and help from the Canadian government have made it possible that five Canadian residents' family members were released from Chinese jails and labor camps. Three of those have been successfully reunited with their families in Canada, and other family members whose rescue was called for also experienced better conditions in labor camps and jails. Largely due to support from the Irish government and also through intervention from the Irish people, Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming from China who had studied in Ireland but had been incarcerated in China returned to Ireland in March of this year.

This U.S automobile trip will also help promote "rescue activities" abroad. In addition, before Jiang's visit to the US, clarifying the truth to people and sending forth righteous thoughts along the trip will eliminate the evil material field, set up a field of righteous thoughts, to eliminate the rotten demons in other dimensions that damage Dafa.