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Latest News From China - 03/08/2002

March 17, 2002


  1. [Beijing] Li Chunyuan, Detained for Suing Chinese Dictator Jiang, Appeals His Case
  2. [A Northwestern City] Practitioners Clarify the Truth
  3. [Qing Yang, Gansu Province] Practitioners Are Held in Detention Centers and Forced Labor Camps
  4. [Northeast China] Practitioners from Several Cities and Counties Hold an Experience-Sharing Conference
  5. [Hanchuan, Hubei Province] No. 2 Detention Center Illegally Confines 14 Practitioners for a Year
  6. [Hanchuan City, Hubei Province] The Police Make Money through the Persecution of Practitioners
  7. [Guizhou Province] Enlightenment and Suggestion for Eliminating the Brainwashing Classes
  8. [Shunyi, Beijing] Yijiafu Police Persecute Practitioners

1. [Beijing] Li Chunyuan, Detained for Suing Chinese Dictator Jiang, Appeals His Case

Li Chunyuan is a lecturer in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Central College of Minority Nations in Beijing. He went to the Supreme Court in Beijing to sue Chinese Dictator Jiang for violation of the constitution in December 2000. Although his case was accepted for prosecution, he was arrested by the police and put in a detention center on January 17, 2001. Several days later, he received notice of a forced-labor camp sentence. On the notice it said that he was arrested because he had conducted "illegal activities" on campus, which is not true. He was sent to the dispatch office in Beijing, a place that treats people severely. After more than ten days of hard physical work, he was sent to Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Daxing County, Beijing. Collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] denied him sleep and forced him to undergo brainwashing every day. They forced him to work in the daytime. He often said to people there, "Jiang has violated the constitution. I followed legal procedures to sue him. What I did was open and righteous. The court has accepted my prosecution but hasn't given me an answer. On the contrary, I was detained and put under such persecution. I will go on with the case." He wrote an appeal and submitted it, but he has received no reply at all. He remains steadfast in his faith. In the labor camp, those who don't give up their faith are often detained longer than their original terms. We hope that practitioners will send forth righteous thoughts and eliminate the evil in Tuanhe Labor Camp.

2. [A Northwestern City] Practitioners Clarify the Truth

On the cold and windy morning of March 6, 2002, practitioners in a northwestern city in China put a thousand posters clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa on electricity poles along main roads. They also hung one hundred banners on high-voltage transmission lines so that they wouldn't be immediately taken away. They sent packages of truth-clarifying literature to thousands of families. Their activities shocked the evil and displayed the great virtue of Dafa. All practitioners who took part in the activities returned safely.

3. [Qing Yang, Gansu Province] Practitioners Are Held in Detention Centers and Forced Labor Camps

The Qingyang region in Gansu Province is one of the places where Falun Dafa was initially spread. Currently the situation there is serious. About 24 practitioners are illegally held in labor camps and ten in detention centers. Two of them have been detained for a second time. Practitioner Wang Yuxia has been sentenced to labor camp for a second time. Four to five practitioners have had no choice but to abandon their homes and live on the street. Two male practitioners from Donghzi County, Xifeng City, had just been released before their wives were sentenced to labor camps. Their children are left at home unattended. In addition, many practitioners are subject to extortion and their homes are illegally searched.

4. [Northeast China] Practitioners from Several Cities and Counties Hold an Experience-Sharing Conference

On March 3, 2002, practitioners from several cities and counties in northeast China successfully held a solemn and sacred experience-sharing conference. The practitioners who attended the conference are veterans in Fa-study and cultivation from various places. Representatives from those places talked about the situations of their local practitioners and told touching stories of how they eliminated the evil with righteous thoughts, clarified the truth and offered people salvation while they themselves were being severely persecuted. Each and every story was moving and world-shaking. They also discussed shortcomings, such as human mentalities, loopholes in themselves that have been taken advantage of by the evil forces and the attachment of fear. Each and every practitioner who attended the conference could feel the great benevolence of Master and Dafa. Their faith in Dafa was strengthened, their hearts further purified and their benevolence to sentient beings enhanced. They are determined to put forth more effort, follow closely the Fa-rectification process, and complete the last steps. The experience sharing conference held in various places are sure to help the practitioners become more mature and meet the standards of Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period.

5. [Hanchuan, Hubei Province] No. 2 Detention Center Illegally Confines 14 Practitioners for a Year

After New Year's Day in 2001,under orders from the City Politics and Law Committee (610 Office), the police stations in the local counties in Hanchuan City carried out a large-scale arrest of practitioners. Under the name of "getting information," the police sent practitioners to No. 2 Detention Center in Hanchuan City for brainwashing and long-term detention. Currently, there are still more than ten practitioners in the detention center. Four among them are in their 60's and ten of them are women. They have been held for a year without fresh air, sunshine, or meeting with their families. The detention center denies them the right to meet with their families, saying that they fail to pay the board fee of 450 Yuan for every 15 days.[ Yuan is Chinese currency. The average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.] Upon each visit, the families have to pay large sums of money before they are allowed see their loved ones.

6. [Hanchuan City, Hubei Province] The Police Make Money through the Persecution of Practitioners

1) In December 1999, sixteen practitioners from Hanchuan went to Beijing to appeal to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. The Politics and Security Office in the Hanchuan Police Department escorted them to the liaison office of Hubei Province in Beijing. Head of the office Liu Jiqiang searched them, even in their underwear. One policeman said that if it weren't for the persecution of Falun Gong, he wouldn't have been able to make his trip to Beijing (for sightseeing and fun.) Before returning to Hubei Province, every policeman bought a suitcase.

2) In December 1999, the politics and security office would extort 3000 Yuan as a guarantee fee and 2000 Yuan as a search fee from any employed practitioner who went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Xinhe County is even more greedy and without restraint. In addition to demanding the above fees, each practitioner is required to turn in 1500 Yuan to the Xinhe Police Department as a guarantee, and 2000 Yuan to the county government. A practitioner would only be released after these amounts of money were paid and documents produced with the government stamps of approval. They also arrest practitioners who don't go to appeal and then notify their families to turn in 2000 Yuan for each person. Those who have jobs have to turn in 3000 Yuan. No receipts are given. Many people said in indignation, "They are more ruthless than gangsters."

3) In December 2000, Xinhe Police Department started a new round of persecution, headed by political director Chen Yong'an. They either deceived practitioners or forced them into police vans to take them away. Then they notified their families to turn in 1000 Yuan as bail. Many people have their entire savings exhausted by the extortion. After the practitioners have been detained for 20 days or so, the police department reduced the amount to 500 Yuan. A woman called Ding has an 80-year-old granny at home. When the granny was sick, Ding asked to go home and take care of her. The police department denied her request, demanding that first she must pay. Finally, the officials in her village negotiated with the police and reduced the amount to 170 Yuan, but the police told other practitioners that she had turned in 500 Yuan. When they saw that they really couldn't extort any money from her, they released her two days before the Chinese lunar New Year.

4) Four practitioners in Xinhe County are teachers. Their salaries were reduced for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing. The county education committee told them that this was because they had spent money looking for them. Xiao Zhikai is a teacher in primary school. He hasn't received any salary for two years since October 1999. He has been detained in No.2 Detention Center for nearly two years.

5) Practitioner Huang Zhenkun is an elderly gentleman from Makou Town. He has been detained for 7 months just for saying, "I am still practicing Falun Gong," and had 5000 Yuan (the annual income of the local people) extorted from him. In July 2001, he was going to send some money to his son to buy a house. The police seized his savings of 20,000 Yuan, charging him with trying to appeal for Falun Gong in Beijing. He and his wife were arrested and to this day are being held at Hanchuan No.2 Detention Center.

Thus, the police persecute some Hanchuan City practitioners to the verge of economic devastation. Many of their families have been torn apart.

7. [Guizhou Province] Enlightenment and Suggestion for Eliminating the Brainwashing Classes

The evil people in Guizhou Province have been running brainwashing classes for three months. They continue to arrest practitioners from their homes or workplaces and adopt various illegal methods to persecute and brainwash them. Other places in the province follow suit. The persecution is ongoing.

The evil brainwashing classes have been running one session after another. Practitioners have been arrested one by one. It is not a matter of one person, or the matter of the person arrested. It is something related to us all. We shouldn't let the evil run rampant any longer. Each and every one of our disciples ought to play an active role in eliminating the evil. We ought to take ourselves as particles of one body, breaking away from any hindrances in ourselves and from the persecution of Dafa and disciples arranged by the old forces with the purest and most righteous thoughts.

Here we call upon all the practitioners in Guizhou Province to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil brainwashing classes, letting the evil people receive retribution in this lifetime and awakening the people in the world. At the same time, we ought to try our best to clarify the truth and offer people salvation.

8. [Shunyi, Beijing] Yijiafu Police Persecute Practitioners

In the middle of October 2001, practitioners Yang Yuliang and Gao Yan were taken by the Yijiafu Police Station for interrogation because they validated Dafa. Yang Yuliang seized an opportunity and walked out of the police station completely unnoticed. Gao Yan, too, escaped from the police station at 2 o'clock in the morning. The Yijiafu Police Station froze Yang Yuliang's bank deposit and forced him into a life of homelessness to avoid repeated arrest.