Chinese authorities are proceeding brutally against Falun Gong practitioners these days, and the pain strikes at our very hearts. One practitioner got the idea and a strong wish to stage an event in Hong Kong, such as a hunger strike.
Approximately a week later we noticed an article on Minghui.net about the cable television episode in Changchun, which also alerted us to the Chinese dictator's decree, "Shoot without mercy. Practitioners who are caught distributing flyers may be shot out in the open." (Please read complete details in the original posting).
The time had finally arrived when Jiang Zemin had gone too far. One practitioner said, "I am traveling to Hong Kong, never mind whether others will accompany me or not." He booked the next available flight when he had a chance to take time off from work and others also made their reservations the following day. Six days after Jiang's orders to shoot, four of us were already in Hong Kong.
Since everything had developed so quickly, we first needed to speak with local practitioners to determine when the time would be right to undertake such an appeal.
"To clarify the truth is what we must do right now. Do it broadly! Do it with all wisdom you have at your command; do it as long as human beings can get a chance at salvation and be redeemed. It does not matter whether you unmask the evil, which methods you use, direct or indirect, or do it as an aside, as long as you let people know about the persecution, you are involved in redeeming them. That then is magnificent" ("Florida/USA Fa-conference December 2001").
The Hong Kong practitioners provided tremendous support and solidarity. They stand by the Fa unconditionally, disregarding personal loss or gain. They told us that the police hauled them away during their hunger strike in August, although no prohibition for such protests exist. A few hours later they were unconditionally released. That left us with two alternatives: to stage the appeals event next to the Mainland Chinese liaison office in Hong Kong, or directly in the Square. We opted for the Square because:
1. We wanted to relay the message face-to-face, eye-to-eye, so that we would reach Jiang Zemin and his entourage directly;
2. In our estimation, this Square was the best location outside of Mainland China to stage this appeal, because the Square represented the hub of Chinese life outside the Mainland.
We began [our appeal] -- never allow the evil even an inch of space.
(Original text in German: http://www.minghui.de/2002/04/mh_nachrichten_1234.htm)