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Resolution Condemning Jiang's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners, Township of Randolph, New Jersey

April 24, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 24, 2002, Randolph Township Council passed resolution R-58-02 condemning Jiang's regime's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

The following is the full text of the resolution:





WHEREAS, Falun Gong is a peaceful cultivation and practice system to improve people's minds and bodies with millions of members in over 40 countries; and

WHEREAS, in the last two years, a systematic escalation of horrific attacks has been launched by Jiang Zemin's regime against Falun Gong practitioners in China, as well as those in Zhejiang Province, a sister state of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, this policy violates China's own Constitution, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and

WHEREAS, Jiang Zemin's regime has created notorious government "610" offices through out China with the special task of overseeing the persecution of Falun Gong members through organized brainwashing, torture, and murder; and

WHEREAS, propaganda from China's state-controlled media has inundated the public in an attempt to bred hatred and discrimination; and

WHEREAS, the number of known deaths from torture has reached 296 so far; tens of thousands have been tortured while confined in labor camps, prisons, and mental hospitals; and hundreds of thousands have been forced to attend brainwashing classes; and

WHEREAS, women, in particular, have been the target of numerous forms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, and forced abortion; and

WHEREAS, several United States citizens and permanent residents have been imprisoned, tortured, and subjected to arbitrary detention; and

WHEREAS, the campaign of persecution has been generated by the Chinese Government, carried out by government officials and state police, and permeated every village and every level of government in China.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township of Randolph hereby calls upon the Government of the People's Republic of China to cease its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners immediately, to dismiss notorious government "610" offices throughout China, an to release all Falun Gong practitioners from detention immediately.


I, Frances S. Bertrand, Municipal Clerk of the Township of Randolph, do hereby certify the above to be a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Randolph Township Council at a regular meeting held on January 24, 2002.

Dated: 1/25/02 Frances S. Bertrand, Township Clerk

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