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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/04/2002

July 7, 2002


News From Abroad

From June 27 to June 30, twenty of us Dafa practitioners, including Australian citizens, were refused entry into Hong Kong by customs agents at the airport. When questioned, one customs officer said, "There is no reason. If I tell you the reason, I'll lose my job. I know what we are doing is wrong." We called on the Australian media and government to further investigate this incident and demand a reasonable explanation from Hong Kong customs.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The three hours we spent at the Hong Kong Airport are etched in my memory. Several men and women snatched my backpack from me and yanked me up from my seat. At the same time they yelled, "You, walk! Walk! Walk by yourself!" With their pulling and pushing I fell to the floor and my pants became torn. The police carried me through a special entrance. I clarified the truth to them while this went on. During those three hours I was shocked by what was happening. I realized my cultivation shortcomings and felt the urgency of trying to do my best to clarify the truth and save people.

Voice of Justice

The Australian Public Association of Supporting Freedom of Belief in Falun Gong writes to Mr. Zeng Yinquan of the Department of Governmental Affairs of Hong Kong SAR: Whether or not the policy of "one country, two systems" can be carried out directly affects the Hong Kong people's future and fate. We earnestly hope that Mr. Zeng will observe and respect public opinion from citizens of Hong Kong and countries outside of China, and emulate countries such as the U.S., Canada, and U.K. in respecting human rights. We hope you will give your sympathy, support, and help to the Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong and provide them with a legal environment in which to practice without interference.

Open Forum

A homeless elder sister's birthday blessing to her younger sister: Falun Dafa is 100 percent beneficial to society. Falun Gong embodies the ultimate characteristic of the universe. A person's one thought about Dafa will determine his future position. People that persecute Dafa are in essence damaging themselves. One will have a wonderful future if he is able to clearly understand Dafa. This is why Dafa practitioners continuously make unremitting efforts to clarify the truth to people while suffering cruel persecution. I wrote this letter as a birthday blessing to you. Please remember, Falun Dafa is an invaluable treasure and this is the rarest of opportunities.