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Gain Naturally Without Pursuit, Join in the Fa-Rectification Openly and With Dignity

Aug. 18, 2002


In order to eliminate any loopholes that the old forces might use to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, in addition to sending forth righteous thoughts, an important requirement for us should be to achieve things without pursuit. When eliminating karma in our individual cultivation, if we do not treat the symptoms resulting from the purging of karma as illnesses, we will pass the test quickly after only a few days of suffering. If we fear that we will become sick, we might actually suffer some illnesses as a result. This is a problem generated from not maintaining a high Xinxing [mind nature, moral character]. Just as Teacher Li said, "As a practitioner, if you always think that it is an illness, you are actually asking for it. If you ask for an illness, it will come inside your body." (Zhuan Falun, Lecture Six.) Theoretically then, the tribulation due to the persecution of practitioners by the old evil forces, to some extent, is similar to the tests of getting rid of karma.

If we always treat ourselves as Dafa disciples and have righteous thoughts at all times, facing the tribulations and tests in the path of cultivation practice with a calm and peaceful attitude, then the evil beings will have no reason to do any harm to us. As Teacher Li pointed out in Zhuan Falun, "Qigong practice and true cultivation practice will not lead to illness, particularly under this condition." If we think in the same way as ordinary people, that we will be caught and persecuted, we actually ask for the persecution. If the problem becomes very serious it will bring about persecution by the evil force. In reality, we have suffered many tribulations that should never have happened.

Therefore, in order to break through the persecution arranged by the old evil force, we must treat ourselves as virtuous cultivators and give up all attachments, attaining things without pursuit. We should try our best to do as our Teacher said in the article "Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)", "If a cultivator can let go of the thought of life and death under any circumstance, evil is sure to be afraid of him. If every student is able to do this, evil will of itself no longer exist."

Above are a few of my thoughts based on my own understanding. If there is anything not appropriate, please correct me with compassion.