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The Police Carry the Body of a Murdered Practitioner Out and Forbid Us from Speaking Out about the Death

Aug. 18, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a female middle school teacher in Chen County, Hunan Province. At the end of October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal. The police caught me and locked me in a small, dirty room. They did not give me any food or water and did not permit me to go to the toilet. They illegally detained me for 18 days and confiscated my home. They took some Dafa books, videotapes, and more than 2000 Yuan. They said that I had to pay a 5000 Yuan fine [500 Yuan is the average monthly salary for an urban worker in China] for my appeal and that the money they found and confiscated at my home was not enough. They deducted my husband's salary and had me dismissed from work. I lost all my income. In March 2000, the head of the Education Bureau came to my home and asked me to agree not to practice Falun Gong so that they can let me work. I told him, "Dafa is so precious that I will practice to the end."

At the end of June 2000, I took the train to Beijing to appeal to the government again. At 9 a.m. on June 25, eight practitioners from different areas and I sat in a circle at Tiananmen Square. As soon as we sat down, the police came. They punched, kicked, and dragged us into the police car. Some practitioners' noses and faces became swollen and were bleeding from the beatings they received.

The police arrested so many practitioners on that day that Qianmen Police Station could not hold us. They brought us to the Shijingshan coliseum and searched us one by one. They asked us to tell our names and addresses, but we did not cooperate with them. Fifty to a group, we sat on the outside. Among us were elders, 3 to 4-year-old children, and an approximately 7 months pregnant woman. The police beat us and said, "I do not violate the law in beating you." There was no food or water, and it was difficult to go to the toilet. After being tortured for two days, my face was bruised and swollen, and my eyes were blood red. They finally sent me to Beijing's Haidian Detention Center.

Because I resisted the evil persecution, they later transferred me from Beijing to Tianjin's Dagang Detention Center. In this detention center the police tortured us using various means. They "interrogated" us day and night. The so-called interrogations were actually just excuses for torturing us. At times, they forced me to stand for ten hours at night, to stand holding my arms straight up and feet close together for more than four hours, or with my arms stretched open and feet widely spread for more than three hours. Another time, the police forced me to "take the airplane" by lowering my head against the wall and forcing my arms to hold up from behind for fifty minutes. One police burned an elderly female practitioner's nose with a cigarette lighter. A middle-aged practitioner's face and neck was covered with blisters from electric shocks. The police poured ice cold and pepper water into some practitioners' noses. A police sexually abused an elderly female practitioner from Xinjiang Province. There was no law or human rights in the detention center. We had no choice but to hold a group hunger strike to resist the evil. However, they escalated the torture. On the eighth day of our hunger strike, they forced me to stand for six hours and brought me into the interrogation room after 3 p.m. A 6-foot tall policeman grabbed my hair and spun me around back and forth. My hair was pulled out. He then slapped my face, hit my shoulders, and punched on my chest while swearing at me. Several other policemen joined his evil action and struck my fingernails and my ribs with the handle of a toothbrush. They tortured me from 3 to 9 p.m. My fingers were bleeding and my hands were very swollen.

After being sent back home in November 2000, I went to see a practitioner in a factory. The security section caught me. After a while, four men came from my district and started to brutally beat me in turn. They intentionally stuck the critical points on my body. They were not afraid of beating a Dafa practitioner to death. If that occurred, the murderer would be given credit rather than be held accountable. They were told to report the death as the practitioner "committed suicide".

That night, they locked me in a detention center again. We did not do anything wrong, yet we were being illegally detained and cruelly tortured. We wrote to the city government and the Judiciary Inspection Court without any response. We 12 illegally abducted female practitioners started a hunger strike on December 29, 2000, in order to gain our rights. On January 2, 2001, the police started to forcefully feed us. They ordered a bunch of male inmates to pull out a practitioner from room no. 1, hold her against the wall in the hallway, and forcefully feed her. The head of the detention center and personnel from the Judiciary Court and the armed police force were watching this. I stood at the door and said, "what you are doing is too cruel and inhuman." They then let go of that practitioner and dragged me out. They pressed me on the ground, held my hands and feet down, and squeezed my nose shut. They broke into my teeth with a 6.8-inch-long and 1.36-inch-diameter sharpened bamboo cylinder and stuck it down my throat. They then constantly poured rice soup through the cylinder. I felt that I was about to suffocate. Just at that moment, I felt a strong force inside my chest rushing through my throat, which pushed the bamboo and the soup out completely. The people at the scene were stunned. Practitioners in the female cell could not help but cry. The forceful feeding failed.

I was held in a cell, pale and constantly coughing up grains of rice from my lungs. However, we continued the hunger strike. On the morning of January 9, the eleventh day of our hunger strike, the doctor examined me and found my heart rate to be 132 per minute. The detention center did not want to be responsible for my health. They informed my husband to visit me and directed him to ask the Education Committee in requesting my release. On the afternoon of January 10, they released me and some other practitioners in their 50s or 60s. Upon returning home, I saw a bill of more than 20,000 Yuan in fines. I only stayed home for eight days. On the dawn of January 19, 2001, the police took me away from home without any explanation. I did not even have a chance to bring clothes to change into. They sentenced me to two years in the Zhuzhou Baimalong Forced Labor Camp. I did not sign the paper as they requested. I later found out that many practitioners were abducted to the labor camp like this.

The labor camp is hell on earth that tortures Dafa practitioners. They are very evil. Whenever they discovered us practicing the exercises or studying the book, they would hang us with handcuffs with the tips of our toes barely touching the ground for an entire night. They called it "eating the noodles". They hung us in the coldest place in winter and the hottest place in summer. If we persisted in practicing the exercises, they would stuff filthy socks or rags into our mouths, lock us in small dark cells, force us to stand continuously for three or four nights, or beat us with electric batons. Some police even shocked practitioners' genitals. With no place to appeal, more than 50 practitioners had to hold a hunger strike in February 2001 for five days. In March 2001, more than 120 practitioners held a hunger strike for 13 days. The police forcefully fed us and killed one practitioner. In order to cover up their crime, the police put the practitioner's dead body on a board and carried it out at night. When we found out, they forbade us from looking into the circumstances surrounding the death or speaking about it to anyone.

I had been coughing since I had been force-fed. The coughing became worse after I was abducted to the labor camp. In April 2001, I started coughing blood, sometimes bright red and sometimes dark kidney bean-sized clots. In the end of July, my husband came to visit me. Seeing that I was coughing so hard, he requested the police to bring me to the doctor. Several exams found that there was a shadow in my lung. They released me on probation in the end of August. A CT scan indicated a possible diagnosis of lung cancer. I used to be very ill, but Falun Dafa cured my disease and gave me a healthy body and mind. Because I was truthful and wanted to tell the world that Falun Dafa is good, Jiang's regime tortured me and turned my healthy body into a body full of wounds and diseases. Who is righteous and who is evil? Isn't it obvious?

Over the past three years, Dafa practitioners experienced the most insane and evil persecution in human history. Had I not held Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance in my heart, I might have been tortured to death. My cultivation experience made me feel that a life can be firm and indestructible only when melting with the Law of the universe.