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Renounce Evil Ways and Have a Good Future

Aug. 18, 2002


I am a Falun Gong practitioner working in a township government office. Under the current environment of terror in China, I became a so-called "important target." As a result, the personal interests of a major township official have directly affected my existence. During a long period of time, both my work and daily life had been made very difficult. I often had to bear a few instances of unspeakable pressure without any reason. Sometimes they even did not dare to assign jobs to me. Later on, I heard that this official went to Beijing, visiting doctors because he suffered from cancer of the esophagus. I associated the words "karmic retribution" with this event, which generated a few deep thoughts in my mind. But, I still could not be very sure about the reason for his suffering. After he recovered from his illness and came back to our work place, his attitude toward me changed a lot and he became nicer to me.

One day when we were having a lunch conference this official suddenly talked to me. He said, "I currently always do good things. When we have money, I always use it on the maintenance of bridges and roads in our residential districts." I realized that fellow practitioners in Beijing must have done a good job in clarifying the truth to the public so that he got to know the principle that "good will be rewarded with good and evil actions will meet with evil returns." He therefore changed his attitude toward Falun Gong and practitioners.