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Latest News from China - 08/10/2002

Aug. 18, 2002


  • [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Police in Pengzhou City: "It Doesn't Matter If You Die of Hunger, as 'Higher Authorities' Said, 'If Someone is Dying of Hunger Just Let Him Die'"
  • [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] In Order to Make Their Quota, Police Arrest Senior Citizens Who No Longer Practice and Order Them to Write the "Three Statements" Disavowing Falun Gong
  • [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Police Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners Lu Jinyu, Gao Congyan and Xu Fengyuan

1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Police in Pengzhou City: "It Doesn't Matter If You Die of Hunger, as 'Higher Authorities' Said, 'If Someone is Dying of Hunger Just Let Him Die'"

Around 10:00 p.m. on June 30, 2002, the "610 Offices" in towns and townships across Pengzhou City in Chengdu area, Sichuan Province started a joint campaign to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners who continued to practice. [The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] The plan was to arrest 160 people. A female practitioner was taking a shower when officers came to arrest her. These members of the "610 Office" did not even allow her to put on any clothes and took her away naked. Upon illegally arresting another female practitioner, over a dozen members of the "610 Office" viciously beat and burned her body with electric batons. Her whole face was bleeding. In the end about a dozen of these thugs threw her into the vehicle by grabbing her hair and pulling her by her arms and feet.

There are over forty Falun Dafa practitioners being held in the Pengzhou City Detention Center. The day they were arrested they went on a hunger strike. At the time of sending off this news the group had not eaten for over a dozen days. They are all very weak physically. However, the police stated: "It doesn't matter if you die of hunger, as 'higher authorities' said, 'If someone is dying of hunger, just let him die'"

2. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] In Order to Make Their Quota Police Arrest Senior Citizens Who No Longer Practice and Order Them to Write the "Three Statements" Disavowing Falun Gong

In the months of May and June, brainwashing classes were held in Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Because of the strong righteous thoughts of Falun Dafa practitioners, they resisted the brainwashing and nobody was attending the classes. Recently, in order to carry out the orders from "higher authorities," police in Fushun City went all out to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. All of the Falun Dafa practitioners who are resolute in practicing had no choice but to leave their homes in order to avoid arrest. The police resorted to rounding up elderly men and women who had stopped practicing Falun Gong so that they could make their quota. The police also forced these senior citizens to write the "three statements" [letters denouncing Falun Gong]. Most of these old people have been held in custody in the back yard of hospitals in various districts. If the police had caught any Falun Dafa practitioners who were actually steadfastly practicing, they would have received harsher treatment and would have been sent to the detention center and then a forced labor camp for torture and brainwashing.

3. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Police Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners Lu Jinyu, Gao Congyan and Xu Fengyuan

Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Jinyu from Benxi City has been missing since August 4. It is likely that the "610 Office" has arrested him. His circumstances and whereabouts are unknown.

Falun Dafa practitioner Gao Congyan, female, was arrested by the police from the Cuidong Police Station on the morning of July 31. While Gao was taking a shower the police forcibly broke into her home. Her daughter, who does not practice Falun Gong, resisted the police and their attempts take her mother. The police ignored the onlookers and placed Gao's daughter under arrest as well. When Gao's husband went to the police station demanding their release, the police extorted 5,000 Yuan from him before releasing his daughter. [The average monthly salary for urban workers is 500 Yuan.] Gao Congyan remains illegally detained in the Cuidong Police Station.

Falun Dafa practitioner Xu Fengyuan, female, was taken away from her home by the police from the Gaoyu Police Station. Xu is almost 60 years old. She had on only shorts and a vest. Police dragged her from the third floor to the ground floor without her shoes. Xu's family, neighbors, and passers-by were all shocked by the police violence. People couldn't help but comment: "The only thing the old lady did was practice Qigong, no? How come they are treating her as if she is a horrible criminal?" Some said, "Falun Gong has been claiming that they are persecuted which I didn't quite believe. Now I have come to see the evil for itself!" Xu Fengyuan is currently being held in a detention center.