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Belgium: The Saint-Laurens City Government Invites Us to Hold the "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition (Photos)

Aug. 18, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) After the Belgian Saint-Laurens City government learned about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China, it invited Dafa practitioners to hold a one-week "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition to express its support for Falun Dafa.

Working staff in city hall prepared everything well for the exhibition. Belgian and Dutch Falun Dafa practitioners arrived in Saint-Laurens on August 11, 2002. It happened that it was the city's "Balloon Festival." Various groups gathered at the big square in front of the city hall to hold celebration activities. Our booth was located in the center of the square. The practitioners wore bright yellow exercise suits, demonstrating Falun Dafa exercises to the accompaniment of Dafa music. The atmosphere was very peaceful and harmonious compared to the noisy crowd background at the square. Many people stood quietly watching. The host of the activity enthusiastically introduced Falun Gong through a microphone, and invited the practitioners multiple times to directly speak to the audience about Falun Dafa and the persecution Falun Dafa practitioners suffer in China. Finally, the host simply picked up a Dafa flyer and read from it. He also told the practitioners that we were important guests of the activity, and that if we needed any help, just let them know, and they would try their best to offer any assistance.

At 5:30 p.m., the activity at the square concluded. The mayor invited the city's dignitaries to hold an opening ceremony for the Dafa photo exhibition inside the city hall. After the mayor gave an opening speech, Dafa practitioners talked to the guests about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China, and expressed our sincere gratitude to the mayor and the people of the city for their righteous support. After that, the practitioners performed Dafa music for the guests.

Dafa practitioners perform Dafa music for the guests

The Belgian people's kindness and righteousness encouraged every practitioner, and we also gained deeper understanding of the importance of clarifying the truth.