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Vancouver Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth at the Community Festival Activity (Photos)

Aug. 18, 2002 |   By Practitioners in Vancouver, Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 11, 2002, Vancouver practitioners participated in an annual festival--"Under the Volcano" in North Vancouver City. Early Sunday morning, as soon as the practitioners arrived in the city, they started to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the truth to local people. We realized that it was our responsibility to let the public know the truth about the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China and the Hong Kong police's false charges against Falun Gong practitioners due to the extension of Jiang's persecution into Hong Kong.

We placed the photos exposing the Hong Kong police's false charges against Falun Gong practitioners in a conspicuous location, and also displayed many beautiful pictures illustrating the wide spread of Falun Dafa. On the tables, we displayed various Dafa materials and Thank-you cards with paper lotus flowers handmade by practitioners. Some practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises on the lawn near our booth, impressing people with their peacefulness, serenity and goodness.

Many people came to our booth to ask for Dafa materials, listen to our introduction and sign their names on the petition to "call upon the Canadian government to stop Hong Kong's unjust conviction of Falun Gong practitioners." In about half a day, we had collected more than 300 signatures. Many people said, "I know Falun Gong, I've seen you do sit-in appeals around the clock for a year in front of the Chinese Embassy. I know China is persecuting Falun Gong." But, many people don't understand why China persecutes such a peaceful group of people? After the practitioners clarified the truth to them, many people understood the reason.

A former New Democratic nominee came to our booth, looked at the photos depicting Hong Kong police's false charge, and said to us, "I understand you, I support you. A flock of wolves are eating sheep in Hong Kong. "

A woman with a child sat in front of where we practice the exercises, and soon two more children came over and followed us to cross their legs, erect their palms in front of their chest, and remain in the position for quite a long time. The woman told us, "While I sit here, I can feel a strong energy. "Many other people came to take pictures and videotape us in the hope of remembering the beautiful scenes.