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Latest News from China - 08/03/2002

Aug. 18, 2002


  • [China] China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC) Plans to Implement a Text Messaging Filter
  • [Beijing] Practitioner Validates Dafa on Tiananmen Square
  • [Beijing] The Truth behind the Law Education Center's Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
  • [Beijing] Tuanhe Labor Camp Uses Intensified Torture, Hoping to Force Falun Gong Practitioners to Give Up Their Beliefs
  • [Qianjiang City, Hubei Province] The Criminal Record of Lawless Officers From the Jianghan Petroleum Administrative Bureau of China Petrochemical Group
  • [Liaohe, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Qu Jiaying and Teng Liaoxiang Are Persecuted
  • [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Police in the Panjin Forced Labor Camp Instruct Prisoners to Beat up Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Jiang Hongqing and Zhang Zhehui Persecuted
  • [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Lanshan Brainwashing Center Resist Persecution with Righteous Thoughts
  • [Xiong County, Hebei Province] Ye Dajun from Shilipu Village Has His Right Arm Crippled as a Result of Torture
  • [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Fang from Tangshan City Illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  • [Wei County, Hebei Province] Documented Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners Being Extorted
  • [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Barbaric Tortures in the Majia Forced Labor Camp: Hanging Up Practitioners with Rope, Handcuffing Arms in the Back, and Pouring Boiling Water on the Back
  • [China] Former Practitioners Brainwashed into Committing Acts of Betrayal Against Dafa
  • [Sichuan Province] Advice Given with Regret

1. [China] China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC) Plans to Implement a Text Messaging Filter

CMCC will soon implement a filtering and monitoring system for mobile phone text messaging systems. This will be a further escalation of the blockade on information and will also be a severe infringement on the privacy of individuals. This project is funded by an "astronautics company" and its progress is classified. It is speculated that it will soon be put into operation at every mobile phone company in China.

2. [Beijing] Practitioner Validates Dafa on Tiananmen Square

On July 22, a female practitioner went to Tiananmen Square and shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good!" and "Falun Dafa is righteous!" She then left safely.

3. [Beijing] The Truth behind the Law Education Center's Persecution of Dafa Practitioners

A so-called Law Education Center was created by the Beijing "610" Office specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. This center is jointly operated by the Beijing Forced Labor Bureau, the Beijing State Security Team and the Armed Police. The Armed Police handle the detention, the Forced Labor Bureau does the brainwashing, and the State Security Team is in charge of interrogations. They work together to attack Falun Gong practitioners both physically and mentally. (The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.)

Dafa practitioner Bai Shaohua was a steadfast Dafa practitioner who was forced into homelessness. He was arrested in April and sent to this center. In order to force him to give up cultivating, the personnel in the center beat him and seriously injured his legs. A policeman by the name of Kou Chenghui tortured him by pouring water all over the ground in his cell and setting the air conditioner to the coldest setting. In this condition, they denied him sleep for ten straight days. He could not even sleep on the ground because it was completely wet. Bai Shaohua is presently on a hunger strike to protest this inhumane torture. Bai's mother was also detained and tortured for going to Beijing to appeal and lost her vision for a period of time. His brother Bai Xiaojun was also sentenced to jail because he refused to give up practicing Falun Dafa.

Dafa practitioner Xie Ge went on a hunger strike for 160 days to protest similar persecution. While on hunger strike, he was force-fed and forcibly injected with medicine.

Phone number of Kou Chenghui, leader of the Third Team in the Beijing Tuanhe Labor Camp: 86-10-61294581

4. [Beijing] Tuanhe Labor Camp Uses Intensified Torture, Hoping to Force Falun Gong Practitioners to Give Up Their Beliefs

Dafa practitioner Zhang Xiangyu was detained in the Tuanhe Labor Camp. He was forced to stand for two days and two nights continuously, and he was kept from sleeping. During that period, he was punished physically and mentally numerous times. This included being forced to squat down and stand up 500 times in a row and being forced to run 20 laps at a time around a field. Under such conditions, Zhang Xiangyu still was not moved and persisted in practicing Dafa.

Dafa practitioner Liu Yongping was forbidden from sleeping for over ten days. He was only allowed to sit in a hallway. His health deteriorated after over ten days of this torture. It was only until visiting day approached did the police stop this form of torture. Another practitioner Meng Xianming finally gave in against his conscience after six months of this type of torture.

Liu Xiao is a young medical instructor. After being brainwashed and tortured in this forced labor camp, he suffered a mental collapse. The same tragic situation happened to Zhao Xingdong.

Beijing Tuanhe Labor Camp Telephone Number: 86-10-61294581
The Leader of Team Five, Yang Baoli: 86-13601162163 (cell)
Captain Wei: 86-13910700400 (cell)
Policeman Zhang Bingqiang: 86-13681088491 (cell)
Policeman Liu Bing: 86-13611182354 (cell)

5. [Qianjiang City, Hubei Province] The Criminal Record of Lawless Officers From the Jianghan Petroleum Administrative Bureau of China Petrochemical Group

Several officers from the Jianghan Petroleum Administrative Bureau of China Petrochemical Group have brutally persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999 [the date when the suppression against Falun Dafa officially began]. In 2001, General Secretary Li of the Commission for Inspecting Discipline in the Education Department, who most viciously persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners, has received retribution. In 2001, he contracted several different hepatitis strains and died only two weeks later.

In July 2002, the officers of the Bureau asked family members of their employees to abduct Falun Dafa practitioners who put up truth-clarifying materials. They promised a reward ranging from 200 to 1,000 Yuan [the approximate monthly salary of an ordinary urban worker is 500 Yuan] for each person who reported on a practitioner. We hereby make public the telephone numbers of the officers from the "610 Office" and others who are involved in the persecution:

Chang Ziheng, Director of the Bureau, 86-7286509968
Guo Rongcheng, Party Secretary of the Bureau, 86-7286502512 (office); 86-7286503419 (home)
Zhang Yuchun, General Secretary of Commission For Inspecting Discipline of the Bureau, 86-7286502103 (office); 86-7286503685 (home)
Xue Changqin, head of the local "610 Office", 86-7286503123 (office); 86-7286503976 (home)

6. [Liaohe, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Qu Jiaying and Teng Liaoxiang Are Persecuted

Qu Jiaying, female, is over 30 years old. In November 1999, she was illegally sent to forced labor camps for two years simply because she went to appeal for Falun Dafa. On the National Day of 2001, she was frequently beaten up because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Dafa. Both of her hands were bound to an open window high above her head, and she was not allowed to sleep at night. A policeman from a male camp came to her cell and beat her when all the other female practitioners were gathered for a meeting. Because of her resistance, the prison staff was not successful when they tried to handcuff her in a particularly painful position. Policeman Tang Xiaobiao said to her shamelessly, "The Panjin Forced Labor Camp is too kind to you females. In other forced labor camps needles are used to prick female Falun Gong practitioners' breasts." Later on, Qu Jiaying went on a hunger strike for 18 days. Four policewomen, including Yi Xiuyan and Liu Jing, forcibly dragged her downstairs and tried to send her to the hospital for force-feeding. She didn't cooperate with them. The policewomen then tried to handcuff her, but they could only handcuff one of her hands due to her resistance. When the four policewomen tried to carry her to a police car, she shouted loudly and refused to go to the hospital. Therefore, the policewomen dragged her back upstairs again and detained her in a solitary compartment, handcuffing her hands to the bed. She continued to be was very firm in her belief and continued to refuse to give up practicing Falun Dafa. Eventually, the forced labor camp had to release her in mid-December.

Teng Liaoxiang, female, is over 50 years old. In February 2001, she was illegally arrested at her home because she wrote a letter to the neighborhood commission about the truth of Falun Dafa. She was sentenced to one year in jail. Policewoman Yi Xiuyan tried to force her to give up her belief and revealing "reformed" practitioners at the same practice site where she used to be. She never yielded. In April 2001, Tengshe was punished by a painful method called "Riding an Airplane" [in this torture, the head is bent down until it cannot go down any further, while the hands are pulled up and held up to the highest point. The hips have to point up. One is forced to keep this position unchanged for a long time. The body in this position looks like the shape of an airplane, which is how this torture came to be named]. In May 2001, Yi Xiuyan and Liu Jing beat her until her body was covered with bruises and she began to vomit blood from injuries to her lungs. In June, Liu Min and others ordered Teng Liaoxiang to half squat down with her hands above her head all day. When she could no longer hold this position, they then ordered her to fully squat down with her hands over her head and move circularly with her feet on the floor. She couldn't maintain this position after enduring all of the previous torture. Thus, the policewomen started to kicked her. Liu Jing and Liu Min also often verbally abused her. Later, she was forced to "Ride an Airplane" again and fainted during the night. When she came to, she found herself lying on the floor, with Liu Min swearing at her and accusing her of "pretending to be dead." Liu Min ordered her to crawl back to her cell. Her hands were so swollen and discolored that they looked like two purple eggplants. The police persecuted Teng Liaoxiang continuously for nearly 50 days: they punished her by forcing her to stand for long periods of time, disallowing her to go to sleep, and beating and kicking her. In January 2002, because she did the exercises, Yi Xiuyan and Liu Jing forcibly took her to Yi's bedroom, beating and kicking her all the way. They then ordered her to half squat with her hands above her head. Liu Jing stood guard over her, abusing her and beating her continuously. Only at night when she began to vomit blood, did they allow her to go back to her cell. In her cell, she was still not allowed to sit down. Then, since she hadn't eaten anything and couldn't walk, she was driven to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that an injured lung was making her vomit blood and that her life was in great peril. After that, she was allowed to lie in bed. In February, her term was completed, and Teng Liaoxiang walked out of the forced labor camp in an upright and dignified manner.

7. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Police in the Panjin Forced Labor Camp Instruct Prisoners to Beat up Falun Dafa Practitioners

Prisoners in Team No.2 beat up Falun Dafa practitioner Xiao Zhijun, causing his head to hit an iron fence and sustain a long cut.

Falun Dafa practitioner Ning Shaoheng felt dizzy, and Meng Xianliang (a prisoner) didn't allow him to rest and forcibly dragged him into the corridor. Meng and other prisoners often conjure up ideas for harassing Falun Dafa practitioners. Since June 29, the police have again asked the common prisoners to beat Dafa practitioners.

8. [Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Jiang Hongqing and Zhang Zhehui Persecuted

Jiang Hongqing, male, is 34 years old. On June 4, 2002, a plain-clothes policeman from the "610 Office" in Liaohe Oil Field followed and arrested him. Jiang Hongqing went on a hunger strike, protesting against the illegal detention. About five policemen beat him brutally. The details of his situation are to be investigated further.

Zhang Zhehui, female, is 24 years old. She was sent to the Panjin Forced Labor Camp because she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. After she was forced to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa against her will, she made a solemn announcement that the "three statements" and all other materials she wrote denouncing Dafa were invalid. When Yi Xiuyan, the team director, saw the announcement, she flew into a rage. In the morning, in front of more than a dozen Falun Gong practitioners, she tore the announcement into pieces. Then she shouted at Zhang Zhehui while hitting her in the head. As a result, Zhang's her face became severely swollen. Then the team director detained Zhang separately in a small room, handcuffing her hands to one of the legs of a bed. Zhang had to squat on the ground in the cold room, with the windows open all day and all night. This abuse lasted for over 20 days, during which time she often suffered from brutal beatings. Zhang sustained bruises all over her body and suffered a mental collapse. The police had Zhang's family members pick her up and take her to the mental hospital.

9. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Held in the Lanshan Brainwashing Center Resist Persecution with Righteous Thoughts

Falun Dafa practitioners held in custody at the Lanshan Brainwashing Center have demonstrated strong righteous thoughts. They shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" throughout the day to resist the persecution. As a result of their righteous thoughts, the police and staff admitted to them that they only keep their jobs to provide for their families. Many of them understand that Falun Dafa is good, and that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people.

10. [Xiong County, Hebei Province] Ye Dajun from Shilipu Village Has His Right Arm Crippled as a Result of Torture

Ye Dajun is from Shilipu Township, at Xiong County, in Hebei Province. In the first month of 2000 on the Chinese lunar calendar, he went to Beijing to make an appeal. He was arrested and sent back to his home town. Yang Xiaotong, chief of the Political Security Sub-section, along with other thugs hung up Ye Dajun up with rope for an extended period of time. As a result, Ye's right arm has been handicapped ever since. Ye was later sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. Ye was very weak and could not live on his own. Other Falun Dafa practitioners brought him out from the forced labor camp and took care of him for seven months. When he recovered, Ye went back home. When the police heard that Ye was back at home, they forced him into a brainwashing class for continued persecution.

11. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Fang from Tangshan City Illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

Wang Fang, female, 38 years old, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Half a month ago, the police asked her if she was still practicing Falun Dafa. She answered with a resounding, "Yes!" Thus the Luowo Police Station and the Yutian County Police Station jointly placed her under arrest and illegally sentenced her to 3 years of forced labor at the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp.

12. [Wei County, Hebei Province] Documented Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners Being Extorted

The officials in Wei County have levied huge illegal fines throughout the county, and have caused extreme difficulties to Falun Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners' families can no longer make ends meet. There was a time when there were over a hundred people rendered homeless.

Listed below are documented cases of fines that Falun Dafa practitioners have paid. [The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is about 500 Yuan.]

Zhang'erzhuang Township:

Ren Bingxian: 3500 Yuan; Ren Zhenguo: 2000 Yuan; He Wenli: 1000 Yuan.

Yali Township:

Zhao Jian'an: 10000 Yuan; Zhao Jianyu: 2000 Yuan; Xing Fuxue: 12000 Yuan;
Zhao Zhenzhong: 8000 Yuan; Zhao Weimin: 8000 Yuan; Zhao Jiuxiang: 15000 Yuan;
Zhao Xinjing: 5000 Yuan; Pang Yinjing: 8000 Yuan; Xu Haicheng: 1500 Yuan;
Xu Chunyu: 1500 Yuan; Zhao Wentian: 1000 Yuan; Ke Su: 500 Yuan;
Fines paid by three practitioners in Zhaozhuang totaled 6000 Yuan;
Fines paid by practitioners in Yangzhuang totaled 3000 Yuan;
Fines paid by practitioners in Xihou Village totaled 1000 Yuan;
Chen Yanshi from Xiaohou Village: 7000 Yuan;
Fines paid by practitioners in Loudi: 3000 Yuan;
Yuan Jundang: 5000 Yuan.

Pokou Township:

Geng Shehai: 8000 Yuan; Wang Yan: 6000 Yuan; Guo Yechong and Guo Xingchen: 7500 Yuan; Fines on other practitioners totaled 18500 Yuan.

Yuanbao Township:

Li Jianguo: 5000 Yuan.

Bianma Township:

Fines totaled 5000 Yuan.


Feng Heguan: 5000 Yuan. Even though they do not practice Falun Gong, over a dozen family members of a Falun Dafa practitioner were arrested in Beiluoying, and 5000 Yuan were extorted from each.

These figures represent only what could be documented. Information from China is tightly blocked and therefore difficult to obtain. We can only imagine how large the figures would be if information were more readily available. Many people in positions of power are using this opportunity to increase their wealth substantially at the expense of Falun Dafa practitioners and other good people.

13. [Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province] Barbaric Tortures in the Majia Forced Labor Camp: Hanging Up Practitioners with Rope, Handcuffing Arms in the Back, and Pouring Boiling Water on the Back

At the beginning of March of this year, Zang Qin, Hong Furong and others at the Majia Forced Labor Camp in Jiujaing City conducted brainwashing and used brutal force on practitioners. Practitioners Guo Qin, Guan Yunfeng, Xia Cuilan, Wei Anzhen, Wu Zhen and others were tortured in over a dozen ways. Examples include: hanging the practitioner with ropes and beating them; handcuffing them with the arms twisted in the back, one from above the shoulder, and the other from behind the back; hanging bricks in front of one's chest; pouring boiling water down their backs; forcing practitioners to eat rice mixed with sand, etc. The practitioners have suffered greatly from these forms of torture.

14. [China] Former Practitioners Brainwashed into Committing Acts of Betrayal Against Dafa

Some practitioners in Anqing City, Anhui Province have been brainwashed into turning against Dafa: Zhao Yinbo, Cui Liyun, Shen Zhonghua, Guan Rui, Zhu Fang, and Qian Shangbin.

Zhao Yinbo, female, 46, is an employee at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Anqing City. She often comes up with new ways to persecute practitioners.

Cui Liyun, female, 39, is an employee at the Meteorology Bureau of Anqing City. Because of her strong attachments, she has succumbed to the torture and brainwashing from those who have "enlightened" along the evil path. She has been voluntarily persecuting other Falun Dafa practitioners since then.

Shen Zhonghua, female, 40, is an employee of the No. 477 Factory in Anqing City. After she turned her back to "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance," she has turned other Falun Dafa practitioners in to the authorities. As a result, quite a few people have been arrested, and sites for producing and distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials have been damaged. Losses also included copiers and other valuable equipment. She is now doing everything she can to persecute Dafa practitioners in the brainwashing classes.

Telephone numbers of those who were brainwashed:

Zhao Yinbo: 011-86-556-5526686.
Cui Liyun: 011-86-556-5310791.
Guan Rui: 011-86-556-5570599.
Zhu Fang: 011-86-556-5533296.
Qian Shangbin: 011-86-556-5548135.

Those who had turned against Dafa in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp include: Li Man, Liang Ziling, Feng Hongming, Zhang Xingling, Luo Ruijie, and Dai Shilong. We sincerely hope that these unfortunate people will understand the seriousness of their actions and regain their senses, as they are choosing a terrible path to walk down.

15. [Sichuan Province] Advice Given with Regret

Yang worked at the broadcasting bureau in a city in Sichuan Province. He had suffered from pneumonia and other illnesses. All of these illnesses disappeared after he started practicing Falun Gong. He even became actively involved in spreading Falun Dafa whenever he could. After the suppression of Falun Gong began, he succumbed to the pressure and gave up practicing due to tremendous pressure. He then suffered from all kinds of diseases. On his deathbed, the last thing he said to his loved ones, with regret in his heart, was, "No matter what, you have to practice Falun Gong."