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Canadian Dafa Practitioners Appeal in Front of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office and Chinese Embassy (Photos)

Aug. 18, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 15, 2002, regarding the Hong Kong magistrate's unjust conviction of 16 Falun Gong practitioners, Toronto and Ottawa Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful sit-in appeal in front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto and Chinese Embassy in Ottawa, respectively. They urged Hong Kong to respect human rights, safeguard the freedoms of belief, speech and assembly, and maintain the integrity of "one country, two systems" policy by dismissing the unjust conviction and redeeming the bad influence of the political trial.

Toronto Falun Gong practitioners handed in an appeal letter to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto at 2:00 p.m. The representative of Falun Gong practitioners told the officer who accepted the letter, "We come to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office to sincerely express our deep concern about Hong Kong's Future and the Hong Kong people."

Many Chinese news media, including World Journal, Ming Daily, Sing Tao Daily, NTD TV Station, CFMT TV station, New Times TV station, Canadian Chinese Radio Broadcasting station and RFA interviewed practitioners on site and covered the appeal.