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"Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" and Freedom Found Guilty in Hong Kong

Aug. 19, 2002 |   By Shou Yi

(Clearwisdom.net) History will remember the day of August 15, 2002, when a Hong Kong judge pronounced 16 Falun Gong practitioners guilty for their peaceful appeal outside China's de facto embassy in Hong Kong.

Judging from pictures and videos taken at the scene, it's clear that there was no way the 16 Falun Gong practitioners could have obstructed the street, for they occupied no more than seven square meters in the more than 140 square meters of available open space in front of China's de facto embassy building in Hong Kong. Worthy of note is also that at that time there were not many people in the street. The accusation that the Falun Gong practitioners "assaulted the police" is ridiculous, because the fact is that more than 50 police officers grabbed the practitioners' necks, pinched their acupuncture points and pulled and shoved them. It is as phony as claiming "a lamb is trying to eat a wolf." Faced with such obvious facts, the judge announced the practitioners "guilty" after more than one month of testimony in court.

If these 16 Falun Gong practitioners are indeed "guilty," then Hong Kong's freedom and Hong Kong's "One Country, Two Systems" policy are also "guilty."

According to a Dow Jones Newswire report, well-known human rights activist and Hong Kong human rights observer Law Yuk-kai said that "if the Falun Gong followers were convicted it would be hard to carry out any protest because demonstrators always take up some space." Law Yuk-kai said further that even if the Falun Gong practitioners were acquitted, it would set a bad precedent because it forced them to defend actions that should have been protected by the constitution.

This trial signals that the Hong Kong people's freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and belief can be curtailed at any time under the guise of "law," and any of their constitutionally protected rights can be trampled under the guise of "law." Today, the victims are Falun Gong practitioners; tomorrow the victims may be someone else the government does not like. The judges and police of Hong Kong will become the dictator's tools to suppress his people, just like he has done to their counterparts in Mainland China. These Hong Kong officials will become subordinates to the all-powerful terrorist organization, the "610 Office." Like police authorities and judges in all autocratic societies, they would strike at anyone that the dictator dislikes. Declining freedom will lead to economic recession, and the "Pearl of the East" will be buried in the stench of autocracy.

By pronouncing these people guilty, more than Hong Kong's freedom was condemned. Also condemned was the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." These 16 Falun Gong practitioners, four Swiss nationals, a New Zealander and eleven Hong Kong residents peacefully sat in front of the Chinese embassy so that tens of millions of people who believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" will not be kidnapped, tortured, raped and even murdered by Jiang Zemin's police, so that they will not be illegally interrogated and tried by Jiang Zemin's judges who ignore the law.

While these 16 practitioners are upholding the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," they are at the same time carrying out the mission of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." Yet, what awaited them were police violence and a verdict that ignored the facts and the law. Even with concern and appeals from Western civilized societies, the moral principles of law that are supposed to uphold justice have been stained. The Hong Kong police and judge aided the dictator to slander and brutalize people who believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" under the pretense of law, just like their counterparts in Mainland China. They are trampling virtue in the name of law.

The principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" will last forever. These police officers and the judge will discover in the near future that they will be judged themselves. Today they sold out their conscience; tomorrow they will see with great regret that they have also sold out their future.

Although the Hong Kong government can cover up the fact that they are under the control of the Chinese dictator, citing "jurisdictional independence," and at the same time rejecting and ignoring the warning cries from Western civilized societies, the minds and conscience of civilized society will not be deluded. On the contrary, certain Hong Kong police officers and the infamous judge chose to confuse right and wrong when faced with ironclad evidence. They chose to assist the evil, opting to openly ignore morality and justice.

The world is able to see ever more clearly the evil of the dictator. This will help people to awaken more and side with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." With Dafa disciples' persistent truth-clarification, the evil dictator and his accomplices are walking toward self-destruction, and people around the world who support for "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" are walking toward a wonderful future.